Hi guys.
I live in miami, so my house just point a balcony to the eastern Arc, I have a Dish 500.. I know that it only can be point it to one satellite at time because the degree are 9-10 in this antenna to get this site.
I am pretty new in this.. I am using twinan dvb card with two lnbf, I rad before..I also have dish motor but I couldn't be avaible to install it becase the brakers of the dish 500 they don't match.
My big problem will be result with an 1000.4, but I can affort it right now....
So.. 61.5 - - 72.7 - - and 77 -- are the options that I have, but I am not a duty with the compass.. this is my big problem... any tutorial how to use a compass for satellite ubication?
I have dvbdream and progfinder software.. with the Az and Altitud given by them, I really don't know how to set it.. I had been working in this a few hours and nothing yet... ..
Should I just point the compass to those degree. (61.5, 72.7, 77) or should I use the Azimuth and Altitud geiven by progfinder?
Thanks and I am sorry for the extesion in this post but as I say I am a novice on this...