hbk409 Supporting Founder Original poster Supporting Founder Jan 12, 2005 1,453 1 LI,NY Aug 11, 2008 #1 its a Red-banded Leafhopper. never seen one before Attachments leafhopperresize.jpg 76.2 KB · Views: 234
stimpson Miller Lite Tester Oct 2, 2006 4,701 46 Benton, Arkansas Aug 11, 2008 #2 Now that's cool. Very pretty.
Van SatelliteGuys Master Jul 8, 2004 9,325 9 Virginia Beach Aug 13, 2008 #3 I've seen them before when I lived back north and had gardens, definitely cool to see the pattern. We've seen a bunch of writing spiders in the area lately and an empty house three doors down from me has a black widow who's eggs just hactched. http://i.pbase.com/g6/90/480190/2/82932498.A13fUSPP.jpg http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/19582.jpg
I've seen them before when I lived back north and had gardens, definitely cool to see the pattern. We've seen a bunch of writing spiders in the area lately and an empty house three doors down from me has a black widow who's eggs just hactched. http://i.pbase.com/g6/90/480190/2/82932498.A13fUSPP.jpg http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/19582.jpg
navychop - Pub Member / Supporter Lifetime Supporter Jul 20, 2005 61,778 29,788 Northern VA Aug 15, 2008 #4 1st one is 403 (a forbidden link).
Van SatelliteGuys Master Jul 8, 2004 9,325 9 Virginia Beach Aug 15, 2008 #5 Try this one, not sure what happened to that link. Google Image Result for http://i.pbase.com/g6/90/480190/2/82932498.A13fUSPP.jpg
Try this one, not sure what happened to that link. Google Image Result for http://i.pbase.com/g6/90/480190/2/82932498.A13fUSPP.jpg