What HD Channel Do You Want the Most?

What HD Channel Would You Most Want Added By Dish

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SciFi is all I really care about right now. USA when Burn Notice and the 4400 roll around again next summer (assuming they're actually broadcast in HD!).

I'd like to see MGM and Smithsonian to see what all the hubbub is about.

When this poll is over, is someone going to send the results to E*? As in, "Dear Dish, here is your prioritized to-do list."

And the Austin HD locals, which like the previous poster said New Orleans was, were promised in 2006.

For some reason, my OTA signal for NBC has dropped down to the 60% range recently and frequently drops out, even on clear days. All other channels are great. Ugh.

But seriously, I really want to be able to see the Battlestar Galactica Razor movie on Sci-Fi HD and Nip/Tuck on FX HD!
SciFi is all I really care about right now. USA when Burn Notice and the 4400 roll around again next summer (assuming they're actually broadcast in HD!).

I'd like to see MGM and Smithsonian to see what all the hubbub is about.

When this poll is over, is someone going to send the results to E*? As in, "Dear Dish, here is your prioritized to-do list."

Maybe Scott can take care of that for us. You never know, Charlie could be looking at this poll right now. Otherwise I just thought it would be nice to actually see what it is we actually wanted Dish to add. Other than Sci-Fi, it really is quite even.
Over100 views and only 27 votes....We're not voting for president, so take the leap and click on an option. Let your voice (or click) be heard!!!!:rolleyes:

Maybe their choice is "none of the above". That one should be added to the list.
Maybe their choice is "none of the above". That one should be added to the list.

There is a limit of 10 choices on the polls. What else is available other than local HD? I admitted earlier to forgetting that one. Maybe we can eliminate Bravo from poll, it is not getting much support.
First off, I want whatever channels that are added to offer measurable HD content. That lets out SciFi.

I'd like to see them concentrate on unique content which I feel is what gives DISH the edge over the competition now.

My first choice is Smithsonian and the second choice is probably more premium movie channels. MGM would be number three on my list and many of the rest wouldn't qualify.
First off, I want whatever channels that are added to offer measurable HD content. That lets out SciFi.

SciFi, FX and USA may not have considerable HD content... BUT the HD they do have are the shows many people watch.

BSG, Psych, Eureka, Monk, Rescue me, 4400..... etc.

Makes them a priority for me.
I am just glad Birmingham got its locals in hd. I think we may have been the last or next to last to get them.
SD channels I watch the most (wish they were in HD):

PBS (I currently can't get this one in HD...)

I don't care about movie channels that have commercial breaks. If they go HD - won't matter for me.
First off, I want whatever channels that are added to offer measurable HD content. That lets out SciFi.

I'd like to see them concentrate on unique content which I feel is what gives DISH the edge over the competition now.

My first choice is Smithsonian and the second choice is probably more premium movie channels. MGM would be number three on my list and many of the rest wouldn't qualify.

Believe MGM-HD would show all movies in actual, no kidding, HD. I read where they are very far along in converting many many movies over to HD.
The only channels on that list that interest me are FX and Sci-Fi. If Dish added these I would be satisfied for a long time, I enjoy what I have so far, and don't see much content on all the others, yet. Without content the channels are useless.

How hard is it to add a dish

BIO. HD Premiers Nov 28th

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