What happened to ESPN Interactive (VIP 622)


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 22, 2004
Yesterday I received an 'upgrade' to a 1000.4 dish for the Eastern Arc. (Signal strength is pretty poor compared to what I use to get off of 110/119)

Last night I noticed that I no longer have access the ESPN interactive. I use this frequently to get the MLB scores. Espn was no longer an option under Sports. Did I loose this because of the dish switcheroo or is there some other issue?

Hey edfiero, I see that you recently upgraded to the 1000.4 dish for Eastern Arc. If you are having signal issues the dish might need to be re-aligned to get a better signal like you used to have with Western Arc. Looks like you used to have ESPN interactive and now its missing. ESPN interactive unfortunately is not compatible with Eastern Arc installation, the lose of this feature would be due to the switch.No information on when this will be available.
Hey edfiero, I see that you recently upgraded to the 1000.4 dish for Eastern Arc. If you are having signal issues the dish might need to be re-aligned to get a better signal like you used to have with Western Arc. Looks like you used to have ESPN interactive and now its missing. ESPN interactive unfortunately is not compatible with Eastern Arc installation, the lose of this feature would be due to the switch.No information on when this will be available.

Check it out, DISH-speak. Thought you had to call in or go to chat for that.

Obviously his signal strength has nothing to do with this, as it doesn't even exist on EA!!! WTF!!

I thought we didn't have typical CSR robots here?
Re-Read the first sentence, he said his signal strength was pretty poor with the new EA dish compared to what he had on the old setup. MikeJH then proceeded to tell him the loss of the interactive was due to the equipment swap to EA. No where was it mentioned that his low signal strength was a reason for the loss of the interactive stuff.
Geesh people are just looking to complain anymore.
Check it out, DISH-speak. Thought you had to call in or go to chat for that.

Obviously his signal strength has nothing to do with this, as it doesn't even exist on EA!!! WTF!!

I thought we didn't have typical CSR robots here?

The quote you yourself used in your reply clearly states he lost it because it is not comptible with the EA. He also addressed the low signal issue. :no
Hey edfiero, I see that you recently upgraded to the 1000.4 dish for Eastern Arc. If you are having signal issues the dish might need to be re-aligned to get a better signal like you used to have with Western Arc. Looks like you used to have ESPN interactive and now its missing. ESPN interactive unfortunately is not compatible with Eastern Arc installation, the lose of this feature would be due to the switch.No information on when this will be available.

I posted a reply earlier but I deleted it because, to be honest, I was quite pissed with your reply to the OP, especially with you being on the DIRT team. So, I'll try to be more polite in this reply.

Please don't say post or say stuff like "dish might need to be realigned to get a better signal like you (the OP) used to have with Western Arc".

While most people on this board know that the Eastern Arc doesn't have as high a signal strength as the Western Arc, there are some who don't. The OP could easily take your reply to mean a signal in the low 60s off the 72 sat is piss-poor when in reality it meets the "standard (threshold) as set by DISH" for his area.

Further, if the OP does call CS based on your reply, an unnecessary Trouble Call could be set up against the tech who installed the OP's Eastern Arc system, even though the system is fully up to specs performance-wise.

You should have at least asked him for his signal strengths before even mentioning that his dish might need to be realigned.
Yesterday I received an 'upgrade' to a 1000.4 dish for the Eastern Arc. (Signal strength is pretty poor compared to what I use to get off of 110/119)

Last night I noticed that I no longer have access the ESPN interactive. I use this frequently to get the MLB scores. Espn was no longer an option under Sports. Did I loose this because of the dish switcheroo or is there some other issue?


Why did they move you to the EA? What dish did you have before? Just curious as to why they would've done that when(I assume) you never had issues on the WA.
Why did they move you to the EA? What dish did you have before? Just curious as to why they would've done that when(I assume) you never had issues on the WA.
He probably had the 119,110,61.5 setup so he need to migrate to EA since his HD locals were there and so he doesn't miss any HD channels
Eastern Arc is always going to have a "lower" signal quality indication as it uses 8PSK modulation and 110/119 on WA use mostly QPSK (exceptions being HD locals and a few HD nationals on 110 which use 8PSK.) 129 on WA also uses 8PSK on all transponders except TP 21, thus it has a "lower" signal quality indication on all TPs except 21.

The signal strength itself is not affected as this all has to do with FEC algorithms and 8PSK requires more FEC overhead. It will not affect rain fade or anything as long as your signal quality is at or above the thresholds mentioned in the post ckhalil18 linked to ( http://www.satelliteguys.us/dish-network-forum/256056-list-minimum-average-thresholds.html .)

110 and 119 will "soon" migrate to 8PSK as soon as they can get rid of all the old QPSK-only receivers out there. When this happens, the signal quality indications will be more comparable between EA and WA as they will be using the same modulation.
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Right? Way to tee off on MikeJH. Let's read every other word of a post and then rip the guy a new one for trying help. This is to be a "friendly" forum.

I agree 100% on one hand we got a guy griping at Mike about it having nothing to do with signal strength and it doesn't work with EA meanwhile he quotes Mike's post where he clearly stated that it doesn't work on EA. Then we've got another guy giving Mike a hard time about signal strength when Mike stated "signal issues" not "signal strength." "Signal issues" can mean the same thing as "signal loss" which has nothing to do with EA's lower signal quality indicators.

All that being said OP refer to my previous post in this thread to see if your new EA dish is properly peaked.
I still stand correct. He should have asked for signal strengths from the OP before EVER mentioning the EA dish might need to be aligned. The OP didn't say he was having signal issues. He said the signal strength was poor compared to what he got off the 110 and 119 sats from the Western Arc.
I still stand correct. He should have asked for signal strengths from the OP before EVER mentioning the EA dish might need to be aligned. The OP didn't say he was having signal issues. He said the signal strength was poor compared to what he got off the 110 and 119 sats from the Western Arc.

I get your fine point on that, but it's more on how you said it. A simple satement asking what the signal shows now, to perhaps check that first would have been fine.
But there is another side to how the question was answered by the CSR. Making the customer happy sometimes entails someone actually coming out to assure them the sytem is at peak signal for his area. Because in this case the customer has a second complaint that he lost programming (Even though it can be explained) maybe it would be prudent to have someone come out and get everything checked and explain in person why things have changed.
He probably had the 119,110,61.5 setup so he need to migrate to EA since his HD locals were there and so he doesn't miss any HD channels

Yes, ckhalili, this was the reason I was given for the need to migrate.

The lower signal strength was just an obvservation, I'll hold back on any calls to Dish until I see if I experience any more rain fade that previously with the summer storm season approaching.

I will say I am pissed about losing ESPN interactive. While I rarely watch anything on ESPN, I really liked the interactive as a quick and easy way to catch up on all the scores each day. Hopefully it will be added on to EA soon.

Also pissed about the crappy job the installer did. But that is a subject for another thread.

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