As a native Detroiter I miss Vernor's Ginger Ale, Sanders Buttercreme Cake (the old style, not the new square coffee-like cake), Shatila Baklava, and Molson Brador; I still miss the "southern style" grits from when I was stationed in Southwest Georgia (SOWEGA!) in the 80s; miss Virginia/North Carolina style BBQ after leaving the Mid-Atlantic; and I have been missing my grandma's homemade pierogi, galumpki, kielbasa and kishka (when she passed); and my other grandma's homemade spaghetti, ravioli, rigatoni, mostacholi, and lasagna (when she passed).
Hardly a month goes by when my wife doesn't complain she can't get Maryland crabcake or
something called funnelcake.
I am getting hungry!
