I've never used TIVO. But here are a few things I would like to see. I realize these are nit-picky things that most may not care about.
1) Sat/Transponder info on the info screen (when hitting info on a TV show).
2) Designate a button or two on the remote that can be user-programmed for any menu command as a single-button command. For example, I would like to have a button to turn CC on and off, rather than swimming through the menu. But someone else might want to use that button to go directly to the DishPass screen or something.
3) When browsing on the bottom of the screen (pressing right arrow on remote), make the current show a different font, color, or otherwise highlighted/different from the upcoming shows. Sometimes I will browse a current channel and see what's coming up in a couple hours. Then I might arrow up/down to another channel, but it will still be two hours ahead. This is fine, but sometimes I'll see a show that I'll want to switch to (leave what I am currently watching) and click on it, but it will come up with the DVR screen because it isn't until 2 hrs from now (which isn't what I wanted to do). I realize this inconvenience is self-made and due to me not paying close attention. But the idea is that a visual difference between the current show vs. upcoming shows might help me avoid my ADD-induced shortcomings.
4) Having the option to delete an entire folder and it's contents all at once. For example, if I want to delete all the Desperate Housewives episodes which are in the Desperate Housewives folder, I currently have to open the DHW folder and delete them individually. Pain in the ass.
5) Different color schemes/themes/skins for the menu/guide/etc.
6) Bluetooth sensor to put in my couch so when I get up, the TV pauses automatically.
Ideas from others that I agree with...
- House-wide/ipod/PC distribution of recorded DVR/external HD shows goes without saying.
- Being able to see guide info for the previous few hours or day would be nice, although I can't give a good reason why.
- Online DVR scheduling
- TV1 and TV2 HD outputs
- Remote finder