What can we realistically expect from today’s meeting?

I know Im negative, but I really dont expect too many ch's to be added. Not enough space on their current sat's. Im hoping that at least some announcement is made so we arent in the dark about everything. I really want that DVR. As I see it there really arent many HD ch's to add right now. Lets just get the DVR going...PLEASE!!!!
I just received my first HDTV this past weekend and plan on ordering (tonight or tomorrow morning) VOOM on this $1.00 "what have you got to lose" promotion. I currently have Dish but not their HD service.
I really want the VOOM DVR (I'm soooo use that luxury) and if I like the service I'll wait for it. So I'm going to keep Dish for a while... just to have the DVR to time shift the programs I like to watch.
I want good programing, good PQ and a DVR. No one has that total package as yet, but if they did they would get lots of subs (if Dish had that package I'd stick with them). So, I'll give VOOM a try and hope that they have that total package very soon (within 6 months).

would the FCC consider a petition?
