I've got an iMac that's on its last leg and I'm a little unsure if I want to replace it or not. We're an Apple family with 3 iPhones, 2 iPads, Apple TV, and an iPad mini. I purchased the iMac several years ago before all of the other devices. Originally I used the iMac for everything. But nowadays it very seldom gets used. The iPads are just so much more convenient and faster to use. So that being said, spending a fortune on another Mac would really be a waste of money. The problem is all of my photos and music. I've got several thousand photos stored on the Mac that I don't want to lose. And also hundreds of CD's imported into iTunes. I take a digital camera when we vacation and can easily come home with 600-700 photos that I import into the computer. I would think there would be a cheaper solution besides a new computer for storing these things. I was thinking an external hard drive but I don't know how to import onto the drive without a computer. Anyone have any ideas??