Does that also apply if merely adding an HD DVR to an existing HD account?Replacing a HD with an HD would NOT activate a contract extension (meaning a replacement)
Does that also apply if merely adding an HD DVR to an existing HD account?Replacing a HD with an HD would NOT activate a contract extension (meaning a replacement)
Problems like this tend to fall into one of the following.
(1) Old wiring such as the cloth wrapped stuff from your grandpa's youth, you'll still find this stuff in many old rural homes that have stayed in the same family for generations.
(2) Overloaded circuit wich can be found in number one and in homes where a do-it-yourselfer has put more appliances onto a circuit than it was ment to handle.
(3) Faulty appliance on a circuit thas backfeeding noise into the wiring can disrupt sensitive equipment and damage said equipment causing pixeling and hard drive failure. remember a hard drive is magnetic and considerably more sensitive to current issues than other equipment.
(4) Low voltage lighting puts some odd sound into a circuit.
Does that also apply if merely adding an HD DVR to an existing HD account?
I've noticed people who have hardware issues with D, are the ones who keep getting replacements. This wouldnt seem like coincidence. I've never had a hardware issue.. but we'll hear countless stories of people who do and replace 3 of more times. It doesnt add up.
(1) Built the house 4 years ago
(2) Entertainment center is on a dedicated circuit
(3) Only things on this circuit is a Monster Power Surge Suppressor, Plasma TV, Receiver, Wii, and Xbox 360
(4) no lighting at all on this circuit.
Does that also apply if merely adding an HD DVR to an existing HD account?