What browser do you use?

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Geronimo said:
Who said anything about designinga site that only works in Firefox? I just don't know why more people are not using it.
I wasn't saying you did say that. You just said that there is no earthy reason to use IE. I was just saying that I have to use it to ensure my pages render properly in it. Potentially turning away 90% of the web because a page doesn't work right, even if the page has perfect syntax, is not wise.
At work/Win32 = Firefox, unless I _must_ access a site that uses IE-only functions, than I use IE6 within Firefox (using IEtabs in firefox, an extension you can get).

Otherwise, *nix server at home, and on the *nix systems at work, I prefer elinks, sometimes at home I'll use links (no, not lynx) in '-driver fb -mode 0' mode when I want the inline graphics and (albeit limited) javascript.
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Firefox and XP Professional. I only use Internet Exploder if a site won't work with Firefox. Say no to Bill! :p
I use
Firefox on XP
IE on XP

Firefox On nix
Mozilla On nix
Konqueror On nix

But mostly its the Firefox. Using IE now cause im on laptop n its the wifes and she does not want Firefox at all.
Firefox .. and never IE, in fact my NIS has IE blocked from ISP access.

If a page cannot open with Firefox, then that page was never meant to be, I'd say. :D
I Have to use IE... My job requires me to use Raritan Remote Client for IP Reach, which does not work with firefox. The driver won't load.
bpickell said:
I Have to use IE... My job requires me to use Raritan Remote Client for IP Reach, which does not work with firefox. The driver won't load.
Maybe you need to upgrade your Raritan firmware. Mine works great with Firefox...in fact, it works about 5x faster than IE.
StevenD said:
Maybe you need to upgrade your Raritan firmware. Mine works great with Firefox...in fact, it works about 5x faster than IE.

I'll have to pass that along to our Network Engineer. He is the one who is in charge of the Raritan boxes.

We have four and can't connect to any of them with firefox. It's not just me. All of us in systems have the same problem.
FYI: here is what other forum visitors are using :)

MS IE 6 - 63.61%
Firefox 1.5 - 15.70%
Firfox 1 - 7.27%
Safari - 2.76%
AOL 9 - 2.59%
MS IE 7 - 2.21%
Netscape 7 - 1.80%
Mozilla 1 - 1.42%
Opera 8 - 0.85%
MS IE 5 - 0.66%
Firefox 0.x - 0.21%
AOL 8 - 0.20%
AOL 7 - 0.18%
Netscape 3 - 0.15%
Opera 7 - 0.11%
SeaMonkey 1 - 0.07%
Netscape 4 - 0.06%
Opera 9 - 0.04%
Konqueror 3 - 0.03%
AOL 5 - 0.02%
PDAs - 0.02%
Other/Unknown - 0.04%​
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