What a company...


Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
Well, I ordered a 811 system a few days ago to be installed on Sunday...I could only get the $199 + 1 year commitment deal...I wasn't too happy about that to begin with, but I figured it would be worth it. Then I read today what happened on Charlie Chat. So, I called up Dish and cancelled my work order for the 811 install and the HD pack. So I asked, when will I get a refund for the price of the 811? The CSR answers that I'd get a programming credit. I say I'd rather it back on my credit card where it came from. He goes away, comes back and says programming credit is the only way they can do it.
Rediculous. What kind of company charges you for a product before you are anywhere near it, then when you cancel, cant even give you your money back in the same way you paid? At least my bill is paid for a few months. But thats still rediculous. I'm growing very tired of DISH. Cablevision just announced FOUR new HD channels today. I'm VERY seriously thinking of going back.

I would call my credit card and dispute the charge...they cannot charge you for an item that they do not intend to deliver...your credit card will refund the money immediately to you, and call up dish network...I don't bother anymore with companies like dish network that seem to think they can decide when and how they will refund YOUR money...I usually will call once, tell them if they don't give me my money, to expect a dispute, which means they will stop payment to dish network...
Uh, Dish Network is just trying to keep your money, they are quite capable of refunding it to you as a check. I have had them offer it to me when I did not even inquire that I wanted a refund and for $500 to $1,000 or more too (from when I was paying a year in advance on my programming), so dont let them pull this on you. They used to not do it at all though but have done so more with Consumer Complaints.

With this company it depends on who you talk to, to what they are WILLING to do or KNOW what they can do. They have a long way to go to get their customer service back to par. It lacks BIG TIME and will NEVER get an award again at this rate until there is some serious improvement made. Their CSR's also need an attitude adjustment and need to be more polite at times. They represent the company as a whole.
They are absolutely able to refund you properly. They are just playing hardball. Tell them you will dispute the charges if they do not immediately give you a refund. Believe me, your credit card's bank will go along with you.
Well, I sent an email to ceo@echostar.com last night...not a terribly bad email, but not a happy one. I got a call today from Mark Duffy (sp?) who let me know that they are 'in negotiations' with Starz and Bravo HD...I just said 'oh'....I dont believe anything from dish until I see it anymore. Anyway, he said that he was sorry and that he would be issuing a refund back to the card from which I paid. Which is what I wanted. So, I'm glad I got my money back, but it sucks what has to be done to get it. In all seriousness, as soon as the 5000 dies, DISH is GONE.

Dish is too greedy. Period. Once they have your money they dont want to give it back for any reason, unless you go to extremes at times. When you want them to keep it they want to give it back to you (as in my case). Its flip flopped.
Dish figures it this way thinking... "we got their money, they might as well just let us keep it until that credit applied towards the account is used up, we are guaranteed at least that much more kept within the company"

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