West Coast VOOM Issues

mellow19 said:
Is there anyone with Voom in Riverside County?

I don't have it myself but I have seen it in operation with no problems at Sears in Moreno Valley. I also have good LOS to E*3 at 61.5 so VOOM shouldn't be any trouble if I were to go that route. The elevation is 19 degrees here so as long as you aren't on the east end of Riverside right up against the hills you should be good.
Vince2, are you having better luck with the upgraded software? I now get a signal in the 80's and have all OTA that's mapped except for 7 & 24 which I have no idea where they come from since I can't get them on my 6000 either. They are also missing 12-2, the Fox widescreen channel.
Just got voom in Santa Monica , California! Amazing i dumped my dish hd package. Voom has an unbelievable picture and audio. I love World Sports HD - love soccer_ watch all the European soccer leagues in HD. Cant wait for Pay per view to be active. The origianal programming of voom- Gallery, Rave, Ulltra etc are great . All the dish chats villify them, i love to watch all the unique programming. I have never watched so much HDTV since i have voom
calikarim said:
Just got voom in Santa Monica , California! Amazing i dumped my dish hd package. Voom has an unbelievable picture and audio. I love World Sports HD - love soccer_ watch all the European soccer leagues in HD. Cant wait for Pay per view to be active. The origianal programming of voom- Gallery, Rave, Ulltra etc are great . All the dish chats villify them, i love to watch all the unique programming. I have never watched so much HDTV since i have voom

Welcome and glad you are enjoying it.
Just got my Voom installed in Huntington Beach on a trial basis (still have Direct TV) and I was amazed at the low angle in the sky for the satellite. My dish is almost pointing at the horizon. If the palm tree by my house had been a few feet to the right I might have had a problem! But everything is coming in ok. Only thing is I don't know if I'm receiving in 720 or 1080. Their are light indicators on my Voom Box but can't figure out how to switch it to make sure I'm on 1080. Anyone know this??
Nevermind.....I figured it out.

What about VOOM broadcasts. Are they sending in 720 or 1080? I've heard that their movies are in 720. But what abut Bravo and Discovery?
Tvlman said:
Just got my Voom installed in Huntington Beach on a trial basis (still have Direct TV) and I was amazed at the low angle in the sky for the satellite. My dish is almost pointing at the horizon. If the palm tree by my house had been a few feet to the right I might have had a problem! But everything is coming in ok. Only thing is I don't know if I'm receiving in 720 or 1080. Their are light indicators on my Voom Box but can't figure out how to switch it to make sure I'm on 1080. Anyone know this??

Press the red button until the top light is on... This will display 1080i and upconvert any other sources to 1080i... if your TV supports 720p you may want to put it in native mode with all the lights lit to see which you like better.

cinema 10 seems to be 720p right now most everything else is 1080i.
The Cinema10 are 720P for now, they will be put back to 1080i in the future. All other HD except ESPNHD is 1080i except for some reason, ESPNHD is 1080i right now.
Many thanks DarrellP and Texdude. I'll check it out.

Darrellp, would like to know what brand HD projector you are using.
Are you close to the beach? I'm on 3rd Street and I'm getting Voom this Thursday and I am worried about the dish seeing the bird, all those tall palm trees may be a problem.
Yes, I'm about a block away between Beach & Newland and have a good view of the coastline due to the wetlands in front of my house. My Voom Dish is pointed just above the SE horizon. If palm trees block, have installer use highest point of roof to get around that.
Believe me , it's worth it once installed. Good luck. If questions go to my profile and use email address to contact me.
VaVaVoomin' soon in Santa Rosa, CA

Well, I have been waiting for somebody to go ahead of me in SANTA ROSA, CA. But I just cannot wait any longer! I be VaVaVoomin' on May 22 - assuming the install works and I can see the bird from here. If all goes well, there's a Sony XBR910 out there with my name on it. We don't have HDTV yet, and we are waiting to see if we can get VOOM before we invest in one.

I will ask one more time... am I really blazing the trail in Sonoma County? Does anybody have VOOM in Sonoma County or northward to the Oregon border? I am wondering what kind of local OTA channels to expect (probably none except the very local PBS station, KRCB). We are nearly 60 miles north of San Francisco. Also, who was your installer and was he/she any good?? Are you getting by with the 18" dish? What size OTA antenna?

I will post my install story here on May 22. We are excited about getting VOOM but apprehensive after all the install horror stories! :( Yikes! If all goes well, I'll have to change my name from "wannabe"!

I live in the southern end of the Napa Valley, 30 miles from Sutro Tower in San Francisco. VOOM was installed two weeks ago. HD picture is beautiful. We had NO local channels, though. Then the installer upgraded to a better antenna. Now we get ABC 7 perfectly but no other local channels. This is frustrating and we are thinking of switching to DirecTV. Any suggestions?

Hi Heaphy -

Thanks for your post! Glad to hear you are getting VOOM loud and clear in nearby Napa Valley.

If VOOM's HD is less important to you than local channels, I suppose switching to DirecTV is your best option. But your other "cake and eat it too" option is to keep your VOOM and add local analog cable for about $18 a month.

Our installer (due Friday 5/21) says the only OTA we will get here in Santa Rosa, CA, is KRCB (local PBS with mediocre programming) and KFTY (local news and sitcom reruns). Yawn. :sleeo

So we will probably pass on the OTA install and keep our local analog cable, at least until we get spoiled with VOOM HD and lose interest in SD like everyone else seems to do on this forum. :bow

Yes, it went well, great HD. Box buggy but hey we are in on the ground floor, right!

I already had the OTA but the Voom box can't see 13.1..so I may have them come back out.

Either way- Voom rocks!
I sometimes find that VOOM tells me it is not receiving a signal from 13.1 so I try it repeatedly and it comes in on the 2nd or 3rd try. Don't know why this happens. Also, do you get pixilation when you change channels? I do very briefly as the new channel is displayed but it clears up immediately.
Any experience with DishConnect installers??

Just wondering if anybody has any good or bad things to say about DishConnect installers. They do northern California and parts of Colorado. "ranked as one of the top five largest installation companies in the country" www.dishconnect.com

They are doing my install on Friday, 5/21. Hoping for a textbook install.

- 1080iWannaBe
I see dish connect does Sacramento.
I wonder if they also do the foothills east of sac.
I live in Grass Valley and my install date it the 29/th.
I just got done putting a 18" dish up to see if voom will make it.
Got a 75 level from dish's sat at 61.5.
The hardest part is waiting another 13 day's tell the install.