preventative maintenance ?
It may be naive to ask, but since it is the drying that causes the problem...
...would it be possible to lightly water the dish farm once a week in these conditions to prevent it happening?
...or use one of those soaker-hoses, or even a drip watering system?
I suppose next you're gonna say there is water rationing, so you'd be arrested for watering your yard.
... not to mention the inconvenience of having to mow under the dishes.
Okay, what about a big sheet of plastic under the dishes to hold in the moisture?
It may be naive to ask, but since it is the drying that causes the problem...
...would it be possible to lightly water the dish farm once a week in these conditions to prevent it happening?
...or use one of those soaker-hoses, or even a drip watering system?
I suppose next you're gonna say there is water rationing, so you'd be arrested for watering your yard.

... not to mention the inconvenience of having to mow under the dishes.

Okay, what about a big sheet of plastic under the dishes to hold in the moisture?