Well there goes the neighborhood....

My thoughts on the 211 (after a couple days)

For the last day or so I have been putting the 211k through the wringer seeing what it can do and how well it handles items I throw at it. And so far I am on the fence. Here is some of the pluses and what I feel are minuses (my opinion). I am comparing the 211k I've had for 2 days to my Directv R22 I've had for 18 months now. Note I'm still learning how to get into some of the menus ;)
If anything is different please let me know. Again these are my opinions only :)

The R22 is a dual tuner single output DVR
The 211 is a single tuner with the EHD added. I have my OTA antenna added so I gain a tuner (1 sat, 1 OTA)

The pluses
-record one OTA and one sat at the same time with the 211k with no extra equipment. The R22 can do that but requires the AM21 (and I'm only limited to two shows)...really like
-the 211k can scan in all my OTA channels. The R22 cannot. It works off a database...really like. There are a couple channels the R22 doesnt show but the 211k does.
-The guide is quick. A smidge quicker than the R22 when its on a non-sports channel. A bit quicker when it was on a sports channel (probably due to the red button scoreguide).
-no banners in the guide (which is really nice. I dont care about the new season of some lame reality show so I dont need a banner in my EPG taking up a line telling me about it)...big plus for me
-I can swap hard drives and not lose anything. I really like this and wish Directv would implement it
-One button (DVR) to scroll between the recordings and the timers. On Directv its 2 different paths (recordings is one button...timers is 3 menu options)
-a pretty fast FF (300x) which comes in handy (I'll explain more later)
-Live TV...like this option if I went back on a program and I want to go back to the end. One button solves it. Directv I have to hit the FF then skip button to get to the end

Guide info...Directv shows more info and in my opinion easier to see if new show or not
Search additional episodes...Directv the quick version shows whats coming up on that channel only. The smart search shows on all channels. Dish is only one way...the elaborate one (shows all channels that are showing it)

The "could make it better" category
-no record indicator when the 211 is off. Now I know the 211 is a receiver with the capability to add a hard drive but yesterday when I recorded shows I didnt know if the timer fired because there is no indicator on the receiver. I know the "true" DVR's (built in) have this option. Directv has a button that lights up
-No jump skip. On Directv you can skip ahead 15 or 30 minutes (depending on the length of show) by pressing FF then Skip. So if I want to skip an hour into the NASCAR race it would be FF then skip twice to jump 30 minutes a hit. To go back to the beginning of the buffer or program press Rew then jump back. The 211 I cant do that so I have to hit FF to go into the program (this is where the 300x FF comes in handy)
-No way to see how far you are in a program. On Directv if I am watching a program or buffer and I hit "play" I can see how far into the program I am or what time the buffer is at. The 211 wont do that. If I hit pause it shows or the FF does
-If you record back to back shows on same channel it dumps the "extra" you add. So if I record a show at 7-8 and one from 8-9 on same channel it wont give me a 1 minute overlap. The R22 does that so from 8:59-9:01 it actually records 2 streams and doesnt hinder the extra tuner I have (I heard on the dual tuner units it ties up both tuners). On the positive if they are back to back on different channels it just automatically changes at the time the 1st program ends (9:00) which is better than giving a warning and forcing you to change the timer to end at 9:00 precisely and the next show to start at 9:00
-After I play back a program it doesnt change colors to verify I played it. The R22 the program turns the program to a lighter color so you know you've played it. Bolder means not played yet. The 211 its all a greenish color

The "I dont get this" category (thats being polite instead of saying "what the heck is Dish thinking?")
-If I am watching a program and decide "hey lets record this"...why when I hit record it doesn't dump the buffer of the program in the recording? It starts right where I hit record. The R22 dumps the buffer on the recording too. So if I watch 13 minutes of a 30 minute show and then hit record...on Dish I get 17 minutes, Directv I get 30. I havent tried it if I go back to the beginning of the buffer if it dumps the recording then and starts where I am.
-Setting up timers...When I set up one I get dumped into a menu to change settings to record a damn program? The R22 I have the defaults for series recording are set to record all new shows, 1 minute early, 1 minute late. In the guide its one press of record button for that show only, 2 for the series. Thats is. The 211 no matter what show I record dumps me into a 2nd screen where it defaults normally to new episodes unless its a older show then it says all. What if I want to record one program? Sorry...gotta change the setting. That just annoys me.

So both have their positives and negatives. In my opinion its easier to set up recordings on the R22 (especially if its one time recordings) but the 211 comes through being able to record 1 OTA and 1 sat program with no extra equipment needed (and no DVR fees makes it nice too) :)

I'll probably add more as I find new things about it
one other minor "could be better" and it may have to do with the fact the 211 has an external drive.

The R22 will buffer the channel you're on even if off. So if you power the unit on you can go back 90 minutes to see the programs. The 211k starts the buffer when you turn the receiver on
On your point about not being able to record something from the beginning that you were watching, when you hit record and select options there is a box you can check and it will dump the buffer and record the rest. It also works if you go back to the beginning as well
My WD 1TB HDD has the light blinking when it's doing something. I noticed periodically it has some activity when it's not recording with my 211K.

So far in my 3rd week my only minus is that the OTA channels do not have info in the EPG like the TV does. It would make OTA recordings simpler.

The plus is the HD picture quality. To my eyes it's great. I was expecting less because of all this "HD lite" talk in the other forum. Now I see the truth. I haven't experienced all this rain fade BS talk either. Was watching last night in a torrential downpour without a blip. I love the HD EPG appearance.
-If I am watching a program and decide "hey lets record this"...why when I hit record it doesn't dump the buffer of the program in the recording? It starts right where I hit record. The R22 dumps the buffer on the recording too. So if I watch 13 minutes of a 30 minute show and then hit record...on Dish I get 17 minutes, Directv I get 30. I havent tried it if I go back to the beginning of the buffer if it dumps the recording then and starts where I am.
They give you the choice. If your in the middle of a show and want the entire show (not just whats left) just rewind to the beginning and hit record. Now the entire show in the buffer will be dumped to the hard drive.
They give you the choice. If your in the middle of a show and want the entire show (not just whats left) just rewind to the beginning and hit record. Now the entire show in the buffer will be dumped to the hard drive.
thats what I figured but I thought it would automatically dump it in the recording
My WD 1TB HDD has the light blinking when it's doing something. I noticed periodically it has some activity when it's not recording with my 211K.
my WD 320GB drive does the same thing...

So far in my 3rd week my only minus is that the OTA channels do not have info in the EPG like the TV does. It would make OTA recordings simpler.

agreed. There are a couple channels that dont have a guide that I watch on occasion (thisTV being one) and it would be nice to record

Also I noticed on weaker signals the OTA tuner cant hold them. There is a distant CBS I get (KEYC Mankato) and my HDTV shows a 80 signal and rarely glitches. The 211 had a 78-79 signal and when I recorded a show it was a pixeled mess
I scanned over the postings and didn't see why you went with a 211k & EHD instead of a 722k or maybe 612. My only guess is you want to be able to use the tailgater...

All I wanted was the Welcome Pack and "locals" (note the quotes...).
Dish has them in HD, Directv doesnt.
I still have a contract with Directv and have 2 R22's (HD DVR's) and a HD receiver with them

so I wanted cheapest setup possible. Bought the new 211k from Ebay so no contract. Added the EHD for $40. So I'm out $150 in "setup" costs. With the 722k I'd pay a lot more and need the OTA tuner which is separate and be charged $6 DVR fee a month. If I went with a contract I'd need to pay at least $31 a month ($25 for DishAmerica and $6 DVR fee)

so for $15 a month I get the locals I want in HD + ability to record my regular locals OTA + a few channels thrown in
Overall pretty good comparisons Iceberg :cool: .

There's a few things I could make statements on but I'm too lazy at the moment.
I think you might be the only person around "moving" for Duluth locals. Nice to have that option via sat.

Although I'm pretty sure most of North West WI wants out of that DMA. I've already helped a few relatives move to Eau Claire WI.
-No jump skip. On Directv you can skip ahead 15 or 30 minutes (depending on the length of show) by pressing FF then Skip. So if I want to skip an hour into the NASCAR race it would be FF then skip twice to jump 30 minutes a hit. To go back to the beginning of the buffer or program press Rew then jump back. The 211 I cant do that so I have to hit FF to go into the program (this is where the 300x FF comes in handy)

But I trust that you have found the yellow & green skip forward & backwards buttons. The yellow is +30 seconds, and the green is -10 or 20 seconds (haven't really timed the green).

I know that you were talking minutes instead of seconds. I was just making sure you found these.

-No way to see how far you are in a program. On Directv if I am watching a program or buffer and I hit "play" I can see how far into the program I am or what time the buffer is at. The 211 wont do that. If I hit pause it shows or the FF does

Yep, pause/search is the only way I've found as well. It would be nice if they added the time bar to the info button screen.

-If you record back to back shows on same channel it dumps the "extra" you add. So if I record a show at 7-8 and one from 8-9 on same channel it wont give me a 1 minute overlap. The R22 does that so from 8:59-9:01 it actually records 2 streams and doesnt hinder the extra tuner

I complained about this one as well...


With a little 4th dimensional thinking on the programmers part, this wouldn't be an issue.

...but the 211 comes through being able to record 1 OTA and 1 sat program with no extra equipment needed (and no DVR fees makes it nice too) :)

Yes it does! Most of time when I want to record 2 things at the same time, almost always at least one of them is an OTA channel. And considering that the local channels are also in HD on satellite, that means you can record 2 locals at the same time.

It's a lot like having a dual tuner DVR (well, it kinda is a dual tuner).

Just curious if there is good local programing for Duluth? Only have passed thru a few times heading up the north coast. In some ways that area reminds me of western WA (just not during the winter).
But I trust that you have found the yellow & green skip forward & backwards buttons. The yellow is +30 seconds, and the green is -10 or 20 seconds (haven't really timed the green).

I know that you were talking minutes instead of seconds. I was just making sure you found these.
yep. Use them a lot

Yep, pause/search is the only way I've found as well. It would be nice if they added the time bar to the info button screen.
I found cancel does that too....(shows the bar across the bottom)

With a little 4th dimensional thinking on the programmers part, this wouldn't be an issue.
yeah its not like the channel is changing. If on Monday night I can have the DIrectv show what looks like its recording four shows at once (during the overlap) why can't Dish?

Yes it does! Most of time when I want to record 2 things at the same time, almost always at least one of them is an OTA channel. And considering that the local channels are also in HD on satellite, that means you can record 2 locals at the same time.
Yeah having the OTA integrated is nice
Finally got the whole "ghetto rig" set up now :)

I had a couple D500 dishes that I chucked this spring because "I wont be getting Dish...why do I need them" :rolleyes:
so my ghetto setup is an old Directv Phase II (the one with the separate LNB's) set up on 110 & 119. My 36" dish on 129 (spotbeam signal low on a stock dish). All Legacy LNB's (old Directv LNB's) all going to an aftermarket SW31 switch (yes SW31)...the check switch shows "SW21 3 sat" at the bottom. I didnt have 110 which had 2 locals (a religious and CW) and some oddball channels on Welcome Pack until today. All I had was a SW21 which wouldnt work for 3 separate LNB's.

But now we're up 100% now ;)
Also I found 2 things with recordings that are nice.
-you can set the recording to do a M-F only
-in the DVR list you can have folders if there is more than one episode recorded. Or you can have them all listed.
Finally got the whole "ghetto rig" set up now :)

I had a couple D500 dishes that I chucked this spring because "I wont be getting Dish...why do I need them" :rolleyes:
so my ghetto setup is an old Directv Phase II (the one with the separate LNB's) set up on 110 & 119. My 36" dish on 129 (spotbeam signal low on a stock dish). All Legacy LNB's (old Directv LNB's) all going to an aftermarket SW31 switch (yes SW31)...the check switch shows "SW21 3 sat" at the bottom. I didnt have 110 which had 2 locals (a religious and CW) and some oddball channels on Welcome Pack until today. All I had was a SW21 which wouldnt work for 3 separate LNB's.

But now we're up 100% now ;)

I have some bailing wire and tin foil you can have if you want to expand. ;)
I already have hoseclamps on this one and have some wood shims if needed ;)

I see old D500's all the time yet now I cant find one anywhere. Guess they all upgraded to a D1000.2 (and before someone asks, a D1000.2 wont work for me on 129...spotbeam signal too low)

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