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Did the A4 and satellite names the way I outlined in post #17 of this thread. So far I have found one problem and I don't have the slightest ideal of what's going on . I don't know if it's the maps, A4 did not install right or it's normal.

Satellite T7 (21 in my satellite list) channel 111 (Momentum) shows as Please wait a moment we are processing your request. If I do the options 6 4 4 info the channel plays. Authorization shows as MS Missing Service Status.

With the satellites numbered the way I have them you can not use the alphanumeric buttons to call up a satellite. I have to use the sat button and select from the list.

The guide still works



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I checked and that is the way it is right now.
Someone at the uplink changed something and it appears as MS even on commercial equipment.
You did everything right.
Hope you enjoy your new set up as I know you spent some time doing it the way you wanted.
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I checked and that is the way it is right now.
Someone at the uplink changed something and it appears as MS even on commercial equipment.
You did everything right.
Hope you enjoy your new set up as I know you spent some time doing it the way you wanted.

This will make it allot easier for me. I have my Pansat 9200 slaved off the DSR 922 for C band. The satellites in the Pansat are listed by degree then satellite name. No more searching for the list to tell me which satellite in the 922 equal the one in the Pansat

I do like the guide. Now when I not on X4 and accidentally hit the guide button, I don't have to wait 5 minutes before I can do anything.

Thanks for all the help and guidance.
I do like the guide. Now when I not on X4 and accidentally hit the guide button, I don't have to wait 5 minutes before I can do anything.

Thanks for all the help and guidance.

That was always a pet peeve of mine here and when the guide info was found for some channels it made sense to me to place it like I did.
Just remember this, as it will help on your setup very much....
Every channel 1 or 2 only on each satellite has guide info on the Horizontal polarity.
So if you want to scan the Horizontal polarity on any satellite, press guide on the 922 and go to the satellite you want and either channel 1 or 2 whichever shows up in the guide will be the horizontal polarity.
This makes the 9xx receivers useful once more as dish movers with a slaved FTA receiver on it.

The only problem with the setup the way you have it is if you have ku also. Then naming all the sats as numbers would not work so well.
(unless you thought of a different solution)
If you have ku and did not want to use it ok, but did you know that in the past year and a half just how many analog signals appeared on ku ?
I kept track and in the receiver listed all of them with some type of guide info.
Just a few months ago I had to reset a large dish from scratch, I was floored when I saw how many analog signals were still on there and was able to set over 9 different satellites just using analog signals.

I saw the pic posted and it looks good!

If your interested in allowing others to use your handiwork, send me the text file you created doing this and I'll put it up on the website for anyone else who may want to change their C-band system this way.

I would put it up as I did the #9 mappings so it would not contain anything else from your receiver.
The only problem with the setup the way you have it is if you have ku also. Then naming all the sats as numbers would not work so well.
(unless you thought of a different solution)
If you have ku and did not want to use it ok, but did you know that in the past year and a half just how many analog signals appeared on ku ?
I kept track and in the receiver listed all of them with some type of guide info.
I saw the pic posted and it looks good!

If your interested in allowing others to use your handiwork, send me the text file you created doing this and I'll put it up on the website for anyone else who may want to change their C-band system this way.

I would put it up as I did the #9 mappings so it would not contain anything else from your receiver.

I have KU on the Big dish but use a 1 meter Primestar dish for KU (see attachment)

I think that's right anyway you get the ideal.

I'll sent you the file.



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I got the file and made some changes for you.
Sent back to you in an email
If you don't understand the email send me your new nvram you pull out of the receiver after you set up your satellites.
I can make the changes quickly if you do not understand without changing any of your sat position settings.
It always helps when others can do some tests to make sure it works as it should.
If so then a new set of maps will be put up on the web site.
hello all

O.k. first thing on my mind is thank you mapmaster programmers for all the hard work. Now i have done all the battery mods to my dsr920,dsr922 receivers, less the 2 that I send to glentech 1 donated and 1 for update but now has some tuner problem(hmm was working ok with hits) but anyway have decided to try to update my maps myself. i am somewhat confused with the process. I have already backup my nvram(all six bin files with usbjtag program). copied the nvram into the mapmaster program and started the process.... 1. loaded nvram.bin 2. Display Combined Maps(i get a window for output file) do i rename the output file? or do i select the new maps. As you can see on the second photo it shows txt files, 1. the 9_New Motorola Maps and a 2. nvram.txt file i saved. I did previously justed saved the file as nvram.bin and then reloaded the maps command then load the master maps. when i finished i used usbjtag to write the file but the dsr920 had no changes,. loadnvram.pngChooseTXToutput.png
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Ifound this else where and is what I used.

1) you should have already downloaded the nvram from the receiver and saved a copy... right????
2) go find that copy and make a new copy of it in a folder.
3) from the web site where the files are located download #9 "New Motorola Maps" to that folder you just created.
3) open the map master restoration program and click on "Maps"
4) then click on load bin file.... find that COPY of the nvram you just made and click on it.
5) Once loaded then click on "MAPS" again but now you want to click on "Load Master Maps"..... then
6) locate the file you downloaded #9 New Motorola Maps and click on it.
7) once you have done this now rename your new file to something like "Test_1" and save it.
8) now go back to the Jtag program and send this new bin file you just created as Test _1 to the 4DTV.
9) follow the Jtag instructions (0_L_4DTV BDM print out instructions.pdf) to send it to the receiver and the proper shutdown procedures.
10) you should be done..........

Hope this helps
"1) you should have already downloaded the nvram from the receiver and saved a copy... right????
2) go find that copy and make a new copy of it in a folder.
3) from the web site where the files are located download #9 "New Motorola Maps" to that folder you just created.
3) open the map master restoration program and click on "Maps"
4) then click on load bin file.... find that COPY of the nvram you just made and click on it."

o.k. done 1-4 will follow from step 5. so i dont have to rename the new file as nvram.bin?
well guess now i have to wait as my mapmaster program is now crashing in windows 7. I installed usbjtag on a windows xp laptop but couldnt install mapmasters.......back to the drawing board. Mapmasters program is now crashing when i select load master maps.
1) download the nvram from your receiver.
name it whatever you like but keep the (.bin) extension.
You want to keep this saved somewhere so do not overwrite this particular bin file.
You can make a copy of it and move it to another folder.
Personally I start out with creating a folder where I save these bins to. With so many receivers I name them according to their receiver numbers like 6051 which I know is in one of my receiver id numbers.

2) once you are done and have closed out of the jtag program then you want to proceed to the map restoration program. I have it loaded on windows xp and windows 7 machines here both 64 and 32 bit machines and they work fine.
You did remember to follow the instructions and download the dll files you needed to have in your computer right?
once you have the map restoration program set up and if it is not then you do not have something correct on your end as I have tried it on several different computers here and it does work and no one else appears to have a problem so take a step back and make sure you followed all the other installation instructions for where to place the dll files needed.

If you still have a problem then maybe the programmer can give you a bit more advice.
I only noticed a problem when I first started out and I had the only 64 bit machine in the group... I could not get the program to work and it was found to be a dll file I needed. Once I had it no more problems.

So after you get the MM program operating....
open the map master restoration program and click on "Maps"
then click on load bin file.... find that COPY of the nvram you just made and click on it."

then go to maps> display combined maps .... and save as a text file with a new name.
so If I download with the jtag program on a receiver I call 6051 I might name my original nvram as >> orig dump 6051.bin
This is the one I look for in the mm program to do a display combined maps and I name that text file 6051 test 1.txt
does not matter what the name is as long as you know what your doing.
always try to keep them in a folder you created so you know where they are all the time and do not forget.
now from here while you are still in the map section of MM program... remember that #9 maps you saved? well while you are still in the mm program with your original nvram in it go to maps>
load master maps>.... then find that #9 file and click on it.
MM restoration with do it's thing and it will ask you to name the new bin it just created so name it something like resend to 922 1st time.bin and save it to your folder.
This is what you will send to your 4d with the jtag program again.

If you dish is a dish mover and connected to the dish remember to take the nvram out and put it back on the same satellite so you do not lose your position of the satellites you were on.

do not rename it exactly as the name you took it out as, since this will make things confusing.
You never want to lose the original nvram.

I hope I answered everything for you, if not just ask.
all instructions were followed to the letter. mapmaster was working but all of a sudden stop working will be uninstalling everything. and starting over
To: Stargaze
THANK YOU!!!!! For all your patience and assistance....you rock,your the man with 4dtv receiver......on a scale of 1-10.......i give you 10.....again thank you for your time and effort.
You know guys, I would love to get the new maps for both of my 922s, but I can't afford to send them off. Sadly after reading and trying digest this information I have no idea what you are what you are talking about. Guess I am SOL.

I do appreciate you taking the time to put all of this information together for the members that are not computer/electronic challanged. Thanks.
I had a hard lesson to learn about sending receiver off for remapping. It took 3 months and when receiver returned I had to set the limits and satellite position #. Something unexplained happened and the receiver bricked. called Glentech and was told to send receiver back the and said that would not happen because of a return $80 shipping cost.[I live in Calif.] I lost on the initial repair $200 and have nothing to show for it. Purchased a JTAG and following the instructions able to map receiver my self in a few minutes. Tried to get maps from Glentech and was told that he used special software and was unavailable for my use even though I had purchased the deluxe set.
My suggestion is do it yourself because of the problems I have had. WHAT A NITE MARE !
This sounds like a nice meet and greet opportunity to me. If I had the cables and had done my unit, I would offer, but I have not.

Sent from my Timex Sinclair using SatelliteGuys
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