Can someone tell me if the Welcome Pack $19.99 per month is only available to new customers?
And can you add HBO to it? Can you still get local channels?
As most people, we are cutting costs...
We currently pay:
America's Top 200 $69.99
DVR Service $10.00
Protection Plan $7.00
HD Free For Life (reg $10) $0.00
Monthly Charges $86.99
We would like to switch to the Welcome pack, add HBO when Boardwalk Empire comes back, return the DVR and nix the protection plan. Since we mostly watch our shows through ROKU, we only need HBOGO.
And can you add HBO to it? Can you still get local channels?
As most people, we are cutting costs...
We currently pay:
America's Top 200 $69.99
DVR Service $10.00
Protection Plan $7.00
HD Free For Life (reg $10) $0.00
Monthly Charges $86.99
We would like to switch to the Welcome pack, add HBO when Boardwalk Empire comes back, return the DVR and nix the protection plan. Since we mostly watch our shows through ROKU, we only need HBOGO.