Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

hello from Indiana. Im an electronics tech and a high voltage electrician. I have directv for satellite tv and am looking forward to dabbling into the fta areas of sat tv. i used to install the 8 to 10 ft fiberglass dishes when videocypher was the thing. Using a polarotor to change polarity in the waveguide assembly. Trying to get up to speed with new technology and hope to chat with others on many topics.

My wife and i love to garden ,hence the username gardenman2002. :)
hello all. this is a great forum. i have spent the last two days researching a problem i am having.
my google searches lead my back here for the best and clearest info around. this is a forum well worth joining.
thanks to all here.
now i am going to go post a question or two.
New member of the SatelliteGuys family!

I am still on Comcast cable but seriously thinking about making the switch to satellite. It will be hard giving up On Demand feature of cable, which I don't think any satellite company offers. Just researching the Pros and Cons of which dish to go with. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Satellite Dish for someone.

Hi All...it was suggested that if I was looking for someone interested in an old 9' dish, this was the place to come.
I'm in N. California, where the Governator is.
The dish is behind our office and I'd like to get it to someone that might be want it.
Let me know!
Hey guys.. Been involved in FTA for a good long while now.. Lurked from time to time, but only recently decided to join.. Think I started with FTA sometime in 2002 (Might be 2003 can't recall).. I got a 90cm dish from Sadoun w/ a SG2100 motor and a Fortec Lifetime.. (Maybe that will help you guys figure out whenever I got that stuff.. Been forever ago)..

I worked on MythTV for a while adding DVB-S Motor support Diseqc/USALS as well as adding ATSC support to the Linux kernel and in turn MythTV.. I was hoping to make MythTV be a great FTA tool for linux (I am pretty anti-windows).. Was going to work on blind scan, but never got to it.. Sadly that fizzled up and died (not going to get into great detail if you want to PM me you can), but I made some major improvements or DVB support for MythTV when i was working on it, then sorta got out of FTA for a while.. (All along watching PBS in HD on FTA).. Not sure if it was looking for Oil Spill ROV feeds or World Cup coverage with out cable / pay satellite but just remounted my dish since it had moved some..

Anyway that's about I think all I got for now.. Really decided to join because I want to get into C-Band.. Maybe a 6 footer but a 5 footer would be perfect for the only decent location I can put a dish in to see most of the southern sky.. Anyways i've said hello.. Hey guys..
Hello from Trinidad & Tobago

Good day all and greetings from Trinidad & Tobago.

My name is Alex aka SkylinedTT and I recently (Feb. 2010) got DirecTV installed at my home.

I am currently employed as an Information Technology Manager and my hobbies are computers, Japanese domestic cars, photography and just recently satellite television.

Afaik I have the following equipment:
DIRECTV Receiver (D12)
DIRECTV Plus DVR (LR16T-300)

I am not sure what dish I have, will climb up on the roof and check later (or is there an easier way to tell?)

I know for a fact I am using the Galaxy 3C Satellite at 95° West Orbital slot.

I am also currently looking to upgrade to HD service, but still unsure!

I found this forum while search for any information on upgrading my DVR
I like to do DIY stuff like that, like for instance I upgraded my past Lyra and my Archos.

Anyways Hello again and see you all around...

PC or Mac? Android or iPhone?

Do you wear glasses or contacts or don't you?
