Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)


I just joined this forum knowing absolutely nothing about satellite. I'm presently using cable digital tv and am looking for something else.
Hello, I'm new here just wanted to say hi and great site. Maybe it's my monitor but I don't see how to post a question??? Can somebody help please. Thanks
Very nice site...

Hi all, Came over from DBSTalk because of all the good things mentioned about satguys. I'm a corporate pilot who flys between John Wayne and Los Cabos and have playe with D*v in both places for years. We HAD to use the 1meter dish there until the footprint finally killed service that far South.

Glad to bee here, kilopapa
Hello from Texas...

Hi everyone. Just joined today. Looking for a possible solution as to why I can't get any signal from my 129 LNB.

Maybe I should move away from the Gulf Coast. We seem to have occasional heavy winds. The last one was called Humberto.

See you folks around.

Hey there! I am a DBS lurker and poster on the D*side and really wasn't aware of this site until today. It looks like a great source of information. I have been a D* customer for 7 years now and have been getting a kick out of reading all of the threads on the new HD station rollout date, or lack thereof today. I look forward to gathering some great information from this site and hope to contribute when necessary.
Lurker/newbie here and now a returning customer to Directv, waiting for Sat install, hr20. This forum is chalked full of great information. Already have absorbed lots of info. Thanks to all.
Greetings! I'm a DirecTV customer and have been since 9/02. Currently waiting for the new HD like the rest of the DTV folks! HR20, HR10-250, R15, and SD-DVR40 are my receivers. Enjoy keeping up on all of the satellite fun.
Hurrican Alley Texas Gulf Coast here. Hi to everyone. Just wanted to make sure is was getting all I could out of my dish. Thanks:)
I would like to say hi

Hello to all you satelit people my name is Jayda and I am ten years old and my Daddy is on like all the time. He works all day doing satelit dishes and then he comes home and says off the computer. Then he gets on here. I am up late with him now cause like he never goes to bed but he is always off to work. I am sick and have a bad head so he let me sign up here I have been begging him for a long loog time. So now he says I have to get back to bed and now you are a satguy member...I dont see why he spends so uch timee here. I guess it is for his work. Oh daddy sad to say his name on hire is ke4est most should no him he is like a staff man like he is some sort of boss I don't know well I got to go he said bac to bed.

Ok that was my daughter that said hello and is the ten year old. She has been begging for months to be a member here so I said tonight go for it. She has a sore thoat and stuffy head, she said sick head lol. I let her type what she wanted to. Well her real name is Jayda and she is a daddys girl. So I have to Do it in the next post...........
Welcome to SatelliteGuys Jayda !!! Sorry your mean ole dad made you go back to bed. But, if you are sick, you probably need to be in bed. And, if you were well, you should have already been in the bed, so you could get enough rest for School. You don't want to go to school all tired out from staying up too late. Hope you get well soon, you don't need to miss much school.

Thanks for the welcome Al....I will let her respond tomorrow.....she is sound asleep now.
Yeah ha ha she does think I am the mean ole dad sometimes...;).
just say hello

hello, all, nice meeting u all here, i am glad to be here as a member and would like to be your friends, i am gina, and work in califonia, as customer service of http://www.favorgoods.com, too busy work, there are too many orders to process, but i like this lifestyle.....