Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hi I just found this site. I am a new member. I purchaesd Coolsat 8K I ma look for loader. Please help with the link I can down load the loader.
Yes :welcome to SatelliteGuys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feel free to ask questions!!!
Hi, I live in NW North Dakota and will be buying and installing a fixed system soon for Sioux Hockey. Found this site since Iceberg has been giving Sioux fans lots of help in what to buy and how to point a dish for the sat at 89W, for Sioux hockey. I'm sure I'll have question when the system arrives.
Hi! I'm from the east coast of the United States. I do not yet have a sat sys yet. Can't make up my mind. Coolsat 8000HD, CaptiveWorks cw3000HD, sonicview 8000HD, Dreambox 7025, or wait for my daughter to grow up and purchase the db8000HD when it finally arrives. My head is spinning with all the options. Well thanks to everyone for the welcome and I apologise in advance for any simple questions I might ask. Have spent hours researching ins and outs before I dare ask a question. Thanx again!


Hope I wasn't out of line by introducing myself in another thread.I'm Polethebear and I'm here because I'm looking for as much info as I can on purchasing DishNetwork as My father and I are seriously considering it. We were stuck with a large cable bill and had it raised without being warned. I'm in North Alabama.


not a new member!

Hi! I'm not a new member, but I've never posted a message. This site is great, very useful and a lot of accurate news. Congratulations to all mods and administrators of the site.

Greetings to all on this site. This is my first post on this site. I was told that this is the place to find out about fta c band since I'm investing in a new setup and all my experience is with motorised ku band dishes. I hope to learn more here and I'm sure I will.:up
Just joined so I can get more than one perspective on Satellite issues. My handle relates to the number of southbound crossings or the equator by ship and air. Still want to drive and walk across. I got really close while in Singapore!
Hi, I'm new to this forum but I've been to this hobby for more than two years now and I looking forward to learn a lot more and/ or contribute something in hope that others will benefit from it.
Just registered - have been reading this forum for some time but decided to join. Just got dish HD a year ago and come here for all the great news and updates for my customers and me.Keep up the great work and I will post any new news that I might come accross as I am a small Dish Network retailer in northern indiana.
:) Hello to all! I have been reading the forums for a while now. This is a great place to get information :up . These forums are the best place to learn about equipment and new features.