Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hello All-

Responding to the nag box at the top of the page to say hello. Frequent visitor to the forum but haven't found the need to post since I don't have anything to say. Appreciate the effort that Scott and his compatriots have made to make this the best satellite forum.

DirecTV subscriber since 2003. Started my satellite days in 1984 with one of the first software controlled C-band receiver/positioners. Stayed with C-band all those years until the NFL conspired with D* for their exclusive Sunday Ticket deal. But I like D* anyway and especially like the HD-TIVO.


Just posting a friendly hello to all the satellite guys & gals out there. I spent last night reading through some of the forums/posts covering E* news and info. All I can say is, where has satteliteguys been my whole life?! Seriously, this forum is awesome and I look forward to reading and learning a lot... maybe even posting a comment or two :bow
I've been with Dish for only a few months, a recent convert from D*, and I'll take my HD anyway that I can get it (942 w/HD Pak, Voom, CBSHD, HBOHD, SHOWHD & OTA). Except... hold the HD Lite please...
Best wishes all! :wave
hi all...I am also new to fta and got my first coolsat 5000 today....found this site and spent a bit of time reading what others have to say...I find the people here very smart and polite... hope in time I will learn enough to be helping others as well.
Hello,wanted to say hi,been checking this forum and others for a long time,been a customer of directv since they started selling in Los Angeles,also been a customer for dish,since they started selling at Fry's,have both services,para todos,hi def. package,dish latino and locals,enjoyed very much all this forums(seen some fights among members before).I check the forums everyday(for many years now)
Hello all
I've been a member of another forum for a while, and I've checked SatelliteGuys out quite a bit recently. I'm an E* subscriber with a 942, a 508 and a Dish 1000. I'm really interested in what will happen with the HD PVR and MPEG4, as well as future HD offerings. :wave
Hello... new member here... checking in.

Hello All.

New to the forums here and I hope to contribute.
I have been a DISH customer for two years, just switched to DTV with HD.
My initial issues include OTA reception with my Winegard 2200.

Glad to be aboard the SatelliteGuys Forums.
Hello everyone,

I am new to this site, and also new to sat. tv. I have just ordered my first system from Dish Networks to be installed tomorrow, an 811 HD, a 322 dual SD, and a Superdish w/local programming. And an extra uhf remote.

I hope to learn a lot about sat. tv by reading the posts and asking questions here. In exchange, if I am able to help anyone in the fields of computers or electronics, please feel free to ask.

Happy Holidays,

As I'm reminded every time I sign on, I haven't posted any messages. So here I am, letting you know that I'm not only just reading messages, I'm actually creating one.

I'm a long time DirecTV subscriber, since 1996; primarily because I moved to a rural area, where cable is not available, and I didn't want an antenna visible. I've just recently upgraded to an HDTV, and because I live in the Dallas market, I'm eligible for LIL. I'm set for an install on Sunday afternoon. Here's hoping it goes as it should.

Thanks for all the good information.

Greetings brethern,
New to this site and a little confused at this point, alot different from whence I came...Hope to learn alot here...