Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hi, just want to get back up and running again. Miss my nfusion box! Hope this is the start of a new Freindship for a long time. Thanks to all that makes it work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all. This appears to be the site where I can obtain information needed to take up slack left by unqualified Directv techs. Looking forward to "picking" your brains. Hopefully I can help someone else down the road.
Good morning

Just joined as paid member and looking forward to taking part in many issues!
I am retired and recently quit 4DTV satellite as my source for TV. I am now setting up for FTA, bought Pansat 9200HD receiver and plan to use my c/ku dish and LNBs
with Gbox 3000 positioner. For now just want to say hello. Later I have some questions concerning polarotor controller.