Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

I'm not new but I've been idle for awhile.
Life has been very busy with Katrina and then a hectic school year. Finally some rest during the summer and since I'm online and got a Happy Birthday message from this site I remembered and so I'm posting here to say I'm not dead - just busy.
Hello all I 'v been doing a lot of reading in this Site awhile now and it's great. I have Direct TV and Comcast internet.
"...I've been trolling for a while,....I troll a lot of blogs, ...."

Hmmmm. Might want to say "lurking" - "trolling" might give an impression you don't mean to give. :p

:confused: hey folks, recently registerd on the site. Was refered by "Raymo721" thanks Raymo, very interesting and Informative. Will be posting my lame questions anytime now and hope to get some advice and info on a problem that I currently have.:confused:
hello, this is bolo. I am new to this hobby and i could use some direction. I have a coolsat 6000 premium reciever, i am a dish network subsciber, and i really dont know how to get started. Any help would be appreciated.
thank you
hi, i'm still new to this sight and have a question. I posted to keep 921 or not to keep 921. at first I could see recent postings on the right hand side of the screen but when I went off-line for a while and came back. I couldn't find my post. does it just go away after a while. thanks
Hi everyone,

Iam new to this hobby. I stumbled across this web site and cant stop reading the post. Iam reading as much as I can before I buy my first system. Very excited. keep up the great work.
Hello all, I am new to this site, but have had c band satellite since the late 70's it has come a long way since then, and will continue to get better. I live on the Ms Gulf Coast, and am in the process of building a new house thanks to a lady (?) named Katrina that came to visit last year. The only thing that was not damaged was my BUD. I had taken it off the pole, disassembled it and put it under three rolls of hay. Now I am going to run new cable to the new house and upgrade to 4dtv. Might need some advice in the future.
Hello to all, New to the FTA world I am. Just getting aquainted with the site. Wich I think is cool, Did not imagine it existed. Thanks in advance to all helping out newbies. May the Force Be with All.
Hey Everyone, I stumbled in here on my quest for knowledge about the fta systems, in particular motors, and from what I read here I'm glad I did :)

Keep up the good work everyone.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I wanted to take a moment to welcome all our new members to SatelliteGuys.US! Yesterday was the busiest new member signups day ever in the history of SatelliteGuys.US with 175 new members joining us!

We want all of our members to feel at home here at SatelliteGuys, if you are a new member why not take a moment to say hello and tell us about yourself.

Welcome home to SatelliteGuys, we are hapy to have you here!
how do i get a download for my coolsat 5000 thank you all