Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Newbie to everything

Hi All!

This site is called Satellite guys US - so I hope being a Canadian doesn't create too much dissention

We are brand new to the FTA thing - got tired of Star Choice billing us :(

So - am looking to know a whole bunch about everything
old SWL with new hobby

Hi all!

Like the title says, I started as an SWL(short wave listener) back in the '60s, so I've never really gotten electronics out my system.
I'm replacing my FortecStar 80cm with a 120 FortecStar hotdish soon, so I'll probably be frequenting this forum often for answers.:up

Hi, I'm Dave. I've been a long time visitor of satguys but just finally got around to joining.

I've been a DTV installer for years and now do WB. If you have any WB questions, feel free to ask me directly. I'll even check your SVT's if need be.
Hi, I'm Dave. I've been a long time visitor of satguys but just finally got around to joining.

I've been a DTV installer for years and now do WB. If you have any WB questions, feel free to ask me directly. I'll even check your SVT's if need be.

:welcome fellow Kentuckian.
Hello, y'all. Have visited this site and found interesting reading. Fairly new to sats. I have 33" dish picking up Galaxy 18 for now. Looking forward to being a member on this site and expanding my knowledge.

hi all,

direct tv, lots of computers
current problem with ipod touch not finding my current location, it thinks i'm in fort wayne, sadly i live near cincinnati

feel free to send help
:wave :welcome All New Members! :welcome :wave

Hi, I'm from deep southern Illinois. I've had Dish (an 821 and a Vip622) in the past, am on Direct (HR21-700) and am making the switch to Dish tomorrow. Tired of fighting the darned Direct HRs!!

You can see in my sig that I have a bit of AV equipment to keep me out of trouble.
Hi, new here, reading to see if i can clear my mind and start looking up to see things in the sky. Hope all or some of you can help me going.

Greate plase, lot of inf/