Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

almost newbee

Just taking time off from constant work (farming to contractor to farming) to check out Sat TV. So far its occupied most of my evenings as I'm learning the ropes. Hopefully, I will be able to assist someone else with the testing and connection problems that I have encountered to date.:hungry:
be cool:up
I have been a member since November 2008, but never had anything to contribute, but lots to learn. I have been in telecom for 20 years, and have seen how technology went from 1200bps modems to Optical OC3. Even more was going from analog 4k voice over satellite to remote places, to MPEG4. I started out my career in telecom in Northern Canada.

I live in southern Canada now, and stay on top of industry news. I respect what Scott G. writes in Multichannel.com, and here on this web site.

I am frustrated as a Canadian my government tells me what I can and can not watch. I would like to legally own a direct TV or dish receiver, as US content is far better than the stuff we have to watch. On my many trips to the US, I have seen the quality of the satellite tv, and I am impressed. It appears for mor ahead than BEV or other competitors.

Thats my 2 cents. Thanks, and please keep the good news coming.
Hello everyone. Just registered with the forum. Actually stumbled upon it while trying to address an HTDV connection issue. Seems like a lot of knowledgeable individuals registered here. Hope I can learn something.
Hi everyone. I am a regular visitor (for one month now.)
This is my first post.
I love the forum. I learned virtually everything I needed to choose my motorized fortec star Dynamic system and get it going. I already terminated my overpriced cable service. I found more than enough programs to watch FTA and OTA.
Thanks Guys

Hi, came across your web site today, joined and made my first post, looking for info on dish types and hook ups. Received the info I needed, great site with lots of good information. :hungry:
Hi, Heard about this site from a fellow satellite installer, been in the business for over 20 years, check this site for bugs with dish network receivers! This would be my first post! Great site!