Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hi -- a very informative site/service. Anyone out there have info on brokers for legal reception of Bell Expressvu signals in the lower 48? It looks like Largo/Canamsatellite have bit the dust big-time, leaving lots of us out in the cold, signal-wise.

Just wanted to say thanks for letting me be a member of this site. Testing some fta recievers , captiveworks,conaxsat,sonicview,viewsat,pansat. Well had a question on which hd receiver to buy I think I'm ready for one.:)

Bucaneer here.

Certified DirecWay/Hughes installer. Use in-motion TV dish in my Motorhome and also use an add on to the Hughes dish for DTV. When we are parked the bigger dish has less rain fade issues, etc. We are not HD yet but will be when I get enough info for LNB add-on for the Hughes dish.

The forums are very helpful and informative since I like satellite systems of all types.

Bucaneer :hatsoff::hatsoff:
Hi. I have known about this site and have lurked around looking for satellite advice. I have had Dish Network since 10/6/06 and just bought an HDTV, so I will be either upgrading to DishHD or switching to DirecTV.

I am a furious DISH network subscriber thoroughly inFURIATED with the issues I've been having with DISH satellite issues we've been having not because we've been having them (it rains on the just and the unjust) but at both DISH network and the local DISH contractors who just don't seem to give a rip.

I am hoping to find help for these issues instead of making DISH any richer: I've already paid 190.00 in fees for a problem they only want me to spend more money on to diagnose and "repair" .. until it tears up again. This is how I'm treated after five years of subscription by their "award winning customer service" FEH.

Sorry, don't want to seem like I'm out to flame or rip on any one -- I'm a lover, not a fighter, but these issues have been ongoing for four months and I am about at my limits end with this. Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better already
hello to all members

i'm one of the new guys.my electronic knowledge is nonexestant,ergo,my reason for sharing your expertise.i'm recently retired and own a small rv which i will be using for travel.i want to install hd tv w/satellite antenna and some type of inverter.so thats my goal.i hope i dont bore you all to death when i post a question.regards to all.:hungry:
Noob here...

Until a couple of days ago, I'd never even HEARD of FTA...couldn't believe it...too good to be true (it isn't).

Questions, man, tons of questions. Thanks for being here and...

...ALL HAIL THE REVOLUTION (in TV programming, that is!)
New on the block

Hi everyone, Iam new here look to yaking with you as time goes by. been testing for 5 years. Hope to be of help as well get help.
J.A.R :up

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