Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)


Hello everyone. I've occasionally read posts on this site and usually found them to be helpful so I figured I'd finally sign up.

I'm a corporate trainer with DISH Network and have been so for about a year and a half. I am curretly certified to instruct pretty much every course DNS has to offer including FSS-100, 200, 300, 400 and WildBlue.

Hopefully I can occasionally offer some insite or help with matters relating to DISH. I do probably need to state that any posts I make are strictly my opinion and do not represent official corporate position.
Greetings Everyone!

Hello everyone!

I found out bout this forum in an unusual way.:cool:

"Someone",fraudulantly set up an account in a community service site & then made false statements regarding my company (not to mention errors in the company name as well as the address. I followed a link to this site & walla!!

Not the best way to be introduced to this forum but I am glad that I am here. A lot of good threads.

Catch ya in the forum
Howdy everyone!

Just got my Directv installed today and am looking forward to learning a lot from the members of this forum. Thanks in advance!
Hey everyone found this site while looking for info for a common day for an installer. I have a job interview up in Missouri monday with Dish Network.

Just wanted to say hello to everyone I am new to the site and a old school guy from SatanPlayhouse have bought some equiptment and wa told this is the best site to learn to play so here I am. Mr. Synister:)
Transfer DVR recordings to AT&T Uverse

I just finished signing up for a killer deal with AT&T on their U-Verse package, for phone, internet, and 'television' (no longer reselling Dish, apparently, but now delivering via fiber optic). I have a number of recordings on my DISH DVR that I want to save (the Stanley Cup Finals from 2007, for example). But from everything I can find, if I just transfer them to my external hard drive, I can only 'read' them back on a DISH DVR (and usually only the one I copied them from!).

Is there a method of saving recordings off to an external device that will allow them to be used on another service provider's system (DirectTv, AT&T, or even ... horrible as it may sound... Time Warner Cable or some other service)? I do not EVER plan on going back to cable, but am interested in saving these older recordings (Dish DVR is a 622. Some recordings i want to save are in HD, some are SD).

Also - what size would they be if I just write them to the external drive (I plan on getting another one as the one I have now I can't format, as it has 1,000's of vacation and family photo's on it. It would be nice if the same device could store the video's too). Is there another way to copy off the DVR recordings besides the external device - a DVD recorder, for example?