Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Glad to be aboard here. Just got my satellite up. Still having a few problems tweaking the quality with the SG2100 motor, but I,'m sure I'll find some good information here to help me out.
Hi from Corry, Pa.

Finally taking time to say Hi to all the satelliteguys and always looking at the sites about everyday. Just got D* HD system after being on E* for awhile so that I could get the MLB EI package. Keep up the good work, it's great.

Greetings, I am just getting registered and have little experience and lots of questions and looks like I may be able to get some ideas in here.
hi all; glad to meet all of you. i do not know alot about sat tv. ihope to learn more. i am an old guy who spends alot of time at home. i have to use a wheelchair to get around most of the time. i am around indy. (500 will be here soon) i like to fool around with satellite tv i have had dish network 500 pro about 9 years. i put it up myself. hope to get to know all better in the future.
Hi! All

I would like to say hello to everybody on the form. i am new here but not at the FTA community. This looks like a nice site and hope to exchange idea with everyone on FTA issues. I am a moderator at dtv100.com.
Good morning, as many have said I am new to this site..Only recently became a Direct Tv customer, and today, I am looking for info on how to take one of my receivers on the road. I am an OTR driver, and think it is silly to leave 3 receivers at home. So what I am looking for this morning is how to set up the dish once parked somewhere in the country, other than my driveway..not much chance I am ever going to be a information source on satellite tv, but I'll add my 2cents worth when something comes along I "might" know a little something about.
hi from cincinnati

:) hi. just joined today. doing this to help get my family ready for the 02/09 digital tv change and to have options other than just cable and satellite subscriptions. so i'm new to this but already do some things like computer building and troubleshooting, woodworking, guitar building, so i'm hoping/thinking it's going to be info gathering and using skills i already have for the most part. i'm going to be looking at issues like inside vs outside antennas. i've checked out that website for reception w/certain kinds of antennas which was generally helpful but not very specifically helpful -- basically i learned that i could get a small # of channels mostly from my local market with a less powerful omni-directional antenna and would have to get multiple, more expensive, directional, probably outside aerial mounted antennas to get channels from more than one market. umm, duh, i could have predicted something like that. i have a roof-mounted dish antenna that isn't connected to anything currently so that's another thing to explore (2nd story steeply-pitched roof tho so probably not getting up there to refocus it or anything). thought the article in a prior issue of make magazine about making a multi-dish reception mast was pretty cool and may someday pull that one off but then a receiver to take advantage of more than one dish is expensive from what i've been able to tell. so lots to figure out in the next few months. junior member? geez. welll at least you guys aren't as bad as some computer sites that insist on calling you a newbie because you're new to THEIR site even though you've been building computers longer than most of the people on that site have been alive.

Just a quick hello. I just finished joining your loverly family.....mainly because I wanted to be able to ask questions in the thread for the Orion cooker......

We are located in the great state of Texas (San Antonio to be accurate).....new to the area (formerly of Ct, Upstate New York, Colorado and Alabama...yeah we get around some.)

I work as a veterinary technician (nurse for dogs and cats), hubby is employed by DAV (Disabled Amerian Veterans) .

Want to know anything else, just ask.

Hello all im a noob i no nothing about sat's but i am willing to learn, also i was told to search for a sat forum to learn how i can get FTA, i am currently paying like $200 a month for cable right know, so im looking to get as much help as i can