Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

Hey everyone, I just joined and I'm looking forward to getting a lot of info. My D* was suppposed to be installed today, but the installer called and said that D* over booked them. I won't be able to get it installed until Sunday. It's in the morning so I'll be able to watch the Chargers win.

I'm getting the HD package with all the channels. I have Cox right now and have been satisfied, but then I saw all the HD channels that D* had, and saw that it would actually be less exspensive in the long run. Anyway, Happy New Year to everyone!!
Hello all -- I'm happy to find this site -- but would like to find a real person in the Temecula California area -- an installer, I think, -- who could advise me on upgrading my DirercTV and my Hughes.net equipment, etc... it's all rather foggy to me and the TV guys and the Internet guys don't seem to talk to each other --

Hey guys, thanks for having such a great site. I was able to solve my satellite problem by searching past posts and learned all sorts of things about pointing the dish and why there are two of them.

My problem ended up being caused by my Hughesnet internet satellite because the installer had tied a rope around a tree branch to pull it out of the way that caused it to block my Dishnetwork 110 satellite. I first messed up where the dish was pointed because it was dark and I couldn't tell that the branch was in the way. After cutting off the branch all the info here made it easy to get the dish pointed in the correct direction.
Hi and Happy New Year. I'm glad I founf this site. I'm trying to learn the technology and see what's coming up in the future.
hi every one


:DHi my name is omiotta i super new in this page.
i would like to enjoy with every menber .
so i have a pansat 2700 ae and if some one can help with something new i apreciate.
I wanted to take a moment to welcome all our new members to SatelliteGuys.US! Yesterday was the busiest new member signups day ever in the history of SatelliteGuys.US with 175 new members joining us!

We want all of our members to feel at home here at SatelliteGuys, if you are a new member why not take a moment to say hello and tell us about yourself.

Welcome home to SatelliteGuys, we are happy to have you here!
Hello everyone, I'm not really new to the forum but this is my first post. I have been thinking about switching from cable and going to satellite for some time now which is why I have been reading the forum posts. I just had DN installed a couple of days ago. I'm bummed that I do not get any local HD channels. I guess I may have to install an antenna, haven't had one of those for 20 years. Is there a way to get distant networks for HD when I can probably pick most of the locals up via antenna?
Hi everybody! My name is Danny, and I am from Arizona. I love cars, movies, and video games. Oh, and I absolutely love all 6 of my kids. :D

I have a smallish home theater. 110" Silverstar screen with an Epson 550C cinema edition projector. We're on our 2nd bulb...



Currently I am a Cox sucker, but they are about to raise my rates again, and I'll be paying $100 a month for HD service, 1 DVR, and 1 HD receiver. Personally, I think I have had enough. I am VERY curious about Dish, so I am going to start researching them.

Thanks for the resource! Look forward to all the information I need to read. :up

New guy

Hi all.
I've been following the postings on SatelliteGuys for quite a while, but only just now registered. I've been considering getting a dish since the first BUDs were sprouting. Now I finally plan on getting one but I need to sort out which manufacturer has what I want. I would rather not start a heated discussion about which box is best, but a link to some objective reviews would be great. I was always impressed with the Coolsat or Pansat but with my limited plans, I was thinking of a less expensive box. On the other hand, the manufacturers are finally making HD receivers and it would be nice to have that feature if there was a fair priced model.

I won't be getting a motor or multiple LNBs initially. I'm primarily interested in SatMex 5 (BYU-TV) on Ku. I read where many folks can get BYU-TV, but others had problems getting it from this bird so I want to make sure I get the right box. I live within a mile from here --> 38°35?N, 90°31?W (Manchester, MO). If no one replies, I'll post on the appropriate thread.

I am a UNIX admin, married, and have four wonderful adult children and lots of PC stuff and junk in my home.

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Howdy To Everyone

Greetings and Happy New Years to everyone!! Love this hobby that I came across after recovering from an operation on the head. Use to drive a 18wheeler (22 States including Canada) Now driving a Chevy with one gear ( Cheving one foot in front of the other with a Cane) LOL. Looking forward in learning all I can . Thanks for having me and Have a Great New Years!!:D
new guy

Hey guys my name is Vince, from Quebec, Canada.
I'm new to fta but I'm already in the xterra owner club here.

I have bought a viewsat on ebay recently ans can'T wait to get set up for fta.

I's been down for 3 weeks here so I'll be here a lot to help fire up this thing.

Hope to chat with you guys soon enough.
