Welcome Back SatelliteGuys

Please reply by conversation.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 17, 2005
Port Angeles, Washington
Welcome back. I was a little worried when I saw the hack site had apparently taken S.G. over. Glad to see you back. In case anyone's interested I saved a screen shot of the hack site while it was still up. The shot shows the members that were signed in at the time it was taken.
They have taken over the last few days. There was another site down I frequent that was down on Saturday.
there is a patch that is going to be fixed today so we may be down miost of the day (its on the front page)

I was having withdrawls yesterday....had to put patch on :D
Please check the Operations Center Forum for a note from me which explains things better of what happened over the past 36 hours.

Thanks for your patience and understanding
Please reply by conversation.

need help with twinhan and amc4 sat

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