Welcome back Old Man Winter...

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It's amazing how fast 8 inches of white fun can disappear...there's a joke about virgins and prom night in there somewhere, but...

Typical Ohio Winter. Set the new Cold Record on Friday, and they're saying we could break the High Record on monday...freaking 60 degrees this morning and schools are closed because of no heat, amazing logic...
Same here

5 inches on Friday

40 Saturday and 50 yesterday so it all melted

Today we are suppose to get an inch or so of RAIN….then 1-3 inches of snow tonight
Sunday was full of 60 degrees here in Manhattan, the afternoon was littered with tornadoes just West of town, then we woke up to snow on the ground Monday, and today it was 20 degree when I got up.

Crazy weather for sure.
Purogamer it looks like I made the opposite move you did. I lived in Ohio and Michigan as a kid and moved down here to Florida before my senior year in high school.

I wish old man winter would show his face around here although we were lucky that he cracked the door open the day Wilma came to visit. Its 9:15 am right now and I am showing that it is 72 degrees outside which probably means we will get around 81 or 82 today. I would rather shovel snow than deal with the kind of storms we had and it sure would be nice to have a white Christmas. But then again I am going snow skiing in Whistler, BC right after the New Years so I can get my snow fix ;)
I'm sorry, but a christmas parade should not involve sailboats with twinkle lights on them as they pass through a canal...damn florida...
Purogamer said:
I'm sorry, but a christmas parade should not involve sailboats with twinkle lights on them as they pass through a canal...damn florida...

Kind of hard to get in the Christmas Spirit around here. The largest boat parade is here in Fort Lauderdale and I have been on a boat in the parade before. I thought it was pretty stupid but it is amazing how many people are lined up along that "canal" to watch it. They even televise the thing. I refuse to go watch it.
We have a "Christmas on the Pecos" here with boats that run up the river and folks that live along the river try to outdo each other with lights, It's pretty neat and this is about our coldest time of the year so you can get in the spirit(and freeze :) ) It Runs from Thanksgiving till New Years...
If you say to yourself "Boy, I should bring a windbreaker tonight, it's supposed to be almost 60...", it's not a christmas parade...
Bah, I hate winter time, its to cold to enjoy the snow, the snow gets that dingy grey/brown/black color along the roads, its nice to look at till you have to shovel it, drive in it, work in it, and walk in it at the store. Christmas though is what you make of it where ever your at, I saw people putting up decorations throughout miami regardless of the fact that they had palm tree's in theyr yard and it was 80 at 9am. Give me palm tree's and sandy beachs and I'd gladly put up a fake xmas tree and sing xmas songs and drink eggnog while watching a sailboat xmas parade and not miss 15 degrea's or even a single flake of snow.
dfergie said:
We have a "Christmas on the Pecos" here with boats that run up the river and folks that live along the river try to outdo each other with lights, It's pretty neat and this is about our coldest time of the year so you can get in the spirit(and freeze :) ) It Runs from Thanksgiving till New Years...
I've been through Pecos, TX a few times, and any river there must be dry 360 days a year. Are you sure those were boats? Maybe they were large armadillos. :D
Purogamer said:
I'm sorry, but a christmas parade should not involve sailboats with twinkle lights on them as they pass through a canal...damn florida...

lol I guess I have never thought about those things. I have thought how silly it looks for people to have big plastic snowmen on their lawn as decorations though.
hehe, here ya go, its one of the papers I regularly read out in montana. I have had plans to move there for a few years but the cold winters make my work rougher each year and weather reports like this dont make it any more tempting to move there.
Not everyone puts up the lawn displays ya know...

There's just something about sitting at home, only to look out the window and see snow falling...Better than getting a new football from santa, only you can't go outside and throw it around because it's raining...freaking pompano beach...
hahaha, guess youve never been on a colledge campus for a mud ball game. Sure its nice to look at the falling snow as it coats the pine tree's out side of the house, but theres also something to be said about being able to sit on your porch xmas day in your shorts and a tshirt and not freeze to death, I'll take the sandy beach xmas over this miserable bleak cold weather any day, just have to wait till spring before I can do the big move south.
I paid nearly 900 bucks for a 2 piece vCR years ago. One section was the actual deck, the other part the tuner with timer. It was worth the bucks!

Timeshifting 101 dont know what year? over 20 for certain. I hink I still have it somewhere

I WISHED I LIVED IN FLORIDA!! Sadly my wife doesnt like it:(
Bob Haller said:
I WISHED I LIVED IN FLORIDA!! Sadly my wife doesnt like it:(

Be careful what you wish for. I've been here for 21 years, nearly half my life and I would give anything to have a change of seasons. Here we are December 6th and its 79 degrees with 80% humidity. I hate it. This is what hell will be like for me when I go knocking on satans door. If for some odd reason I'd get to visit heaven I'd be trekking across some snow covered mountain range without another person in sight.

Van....Are you saying that you liked it down here? The traffic, heat, punks, etc. Sure we have some beautiful women and South Beach might look inviting the first time you go there ( but when you have to stand in line and get picked by the dumbass bouncer to get into the club it's kind of annoying ). Didn't you find the people to be very rude? I don't know where you are from in the Detroit area but I lived a couple of hours north of Detroit in Midland and it was beautiful. The winters were amazing and there is nothing like fall. I know what you are talking about with the dirty snow and stuff in the city but it wasn't like that in the smaller towns. It was always great when it was cold outside just so you could go inside and warm up. Made the coffee or whatevery you drink taste that much better.
We have a winter storm watch for tonight and tomorrow.

Forecast has sleet and snow falling tonight and tomorrow. Should make traffic fun! :rolleyes:
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