Weber Smokey Mountain

Did my first high temp brisket Sunday. A co-worker asked me if I would do a brisket for him, and he offered to pay, so I said sure. Been wanting to try one at high temp for a while. I told him that it would be my first time at high temp, and also told him if it didn't turn out good he wouldn't have to pay me. He agreed. I bought a 11# packer from Wally World, and used the rub I had left over from my last pork butt smoke. Fired up the WSM, put on the meat, and left all the vents wide open for the entire smoke. Temps eventually came up to 325. Took about an hour. Cracked the lid, temps rose to around 400. Pulled the brisket when the internal reached 160. That took about 2 hrs. Pulled it, seperated it from the point, doulble foiled and back on the smoker with no temp probe. At about the 3.5 hr mark started checking for tenderness with the meat probe. Not quite there yet. Right at the 4 hr mark it was close enough. Pulled it, put it in an aluminium pan and tightly foiled it closed. The carry over cook in the foil pan should have taken it the rest of the way to tender. Took it to work, without a peek or sample. I was nervous on how it would turn out. Towards the end of the day he couldn't resist. He sliced a few pieces of and it by far is the best brisket I have ever done. Nice smoke ring, and very juicy. This will be my method from now on. Next one I do I will take pics.
I'm going to pick up a pork butt tonight. I found a new local butcher that I'm going to try. I hope he has the full pork shoulder that I'm looking for.

It's supposed to rain all weekend and I'm doing this cook for people that I'm having over for the Buckeyes/Trojans game on Saturday night. I'm thinking of bringing the smoker into my garage to save me from running in and out of the house in the rain. When it rains, I usually pull the smoker into my shed so I have cover while leaving the doors open for ventilation, so I don't see any issues with smoking in the garage.

Since the pork has to be ready for eating around 7pm on Saturday, I plan on starting the smoke at midnight tonight (Friday). More updates and pictures to follow....
Soungs like a good plan. I have hd to use mine in the garage more than I have on my deck. I set it as far outside as I can without the wind and rain being to much of a problem. I then set up my Colmen camping table close to it and set a fan on top of that to keep most of the smoke out. After the initial smolder has died down I turn the fan off.. If you can, get two butts. You'all use the same amount of fuel and time. That's what I do. What ever I have left over, I vac seal with the food saver and freeze. Here lately have smoking about 40# of butts a week end, putting it in 2# food saver bags, and selling it at work. I'll have sold enough in the next month or two to pay for the cost of the WSM and the Performer.
Soungs like a good plan. I have hd to use mine in the garage more than I have on my deck. I set it as far outside as I can without the wind and rain being to much of a problem. I then set up my Colmen camping table close to it and set a fan on top of that to keep most of the smoke out. After the initial smolder has died down I turn the fan off.. If you can, get two butts. You'all use the same amount of fuel and time. That's what I do. What ever I have left over, I vac seal with the food saver and freeze. Here lately have smoking about 40# of butts a week end, putting it in 2# food saver bags, and selling it at work. I'll have sold enough in the next month or two to pay for the cost of the WSM and the Performer.

Just got off the phone with the butcher. He does indeed have a few trimmed butts left. They are apx. 7lbs each. I am going to get 2 as you suggested. I'll be going to pick up the meat as soon as I get out of work....
Hey HD. If you have a Kroger, check with them. That's where I get my butts from. Very good price and good non enhanced meat. I got in a pinch for an order of two whole butts a few weeks ago. My wife was already at wally World when I got the order. I called her to pick a couple up there while I got the smoker ready. They were a Tyson brand and said on the lable about some percentage of a solution added. Can't remember exactly what it said, but in a nut shell, they were enhanced. Although the final product was ok, but man they had a lot of fat and solution reduction. They both were around 8# apiece, and I maybe got 4# of final product out of each tops, and it wasn't as good as the Kroger butts. HTH.
Hey HD. If you have a Kroger, check with them. That's where I get my butts from. Very good price and good non enhanced meat. I got in a pinch for an order of two whole butts a few weeks ago. My wife was already at wally World when I got the order. I called her to pick a couple up there while I got the smoker ready. They were a Tyson brand and said on the lable about some percentage of a solution added. Can't remember exactly what it said, but in a nut shell, they were enhanced. Although the final product was ok, but man they had a lot of fat and solution reduction. They both were around 8# apiece, and I maybe got 4# of final product out of each tops, and it wasn't as good as the Kroger butts. HTH.

No Krogers around us. I've bought some butts from SamsClub before (non-enhanced) and they turned out good. I just don't feel like standing in line and battling a crowd on Friday afternoon there. I'm gonna try this local butcher for the first time. From what my neighbors say, his prices are good and so is the meat. Plus, I like supporting the small time shops.....
The purchase of the 2 butts from the Butcher was a success. I picked up 2 for $2.29/lb. I got a total of 10.66 lbs of pork butt for $24.99. The butts appeared to be nice and fresh too.

Since I got two, I rubbed them down with 2 different rubs. I used a Jamaican Jerk Rub on one (left) and I used a modified version of Armadillo's Willy's Rub on the second (right). I slathered both with mustard before applying the rub.

I started the smoker using the Minion Method. Filled charcoal ring full with unlit Kingsford and hickory wood, then lit 20 briquettes and dumped over top the unlit ones. Within 30 minutes, I got a 200ºF temp and I was able to throw the butts on at apx. 11:30pm.

Here's the rubs I used:

Armadillo Willy's Rub:
1/4 cup: Brown Sugar
1/4 cup: Kosher Salt
1/4 cup: Paprika
1 TBS: Ground Black Pepper
1 TBS: Granulated Garlic
1 TBS: Onion Powder
1-1/2 TSP: Cayenne Pepper
1/2 TSP: Ground Coriander

Jamaican Jerk Rub:
6 TBS: Onion Powder
6 TBS: Onion Flakes
2 TBS: Allspice
2 TBS: Ground Black Pepper
2 TBS: Cayenne
2 TBS: Sugar
4-1/2 TSP: Dried Thyme
4-1/2 TSP: Ground Cinnamon
1-1/2: Ground Nutmeg
1/4 TSP: Ground Habanero Chile

See the attached pictures below......


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Oh yeah! Lookin good. Glad to see you tied them up. Makes it so much easier getting them off when they are done. Can't wait to hear how the one with the Jerk rub turns out. Keep us posted.
Got up at 7am this morning. Took out the pup and checked the meat. The internal temperature of the smoker was at 215ºF. Perfect! I also checked the water bowl and it still was about 1/3rd of the way full. Filled the water bowl back up to the top, stirred the coals gently to get the ash to the bottom and went back to bed.

I got back up at 10am and checked the smoker. It was now hovering around 200ºF and dropping slowly. At about 11am, I added more charcoal (nearly 10 hours later!) and had a few cups of coffee while playing with the dampers to maintain a steady temp between 200º-225ºF.

I haven't checked an internal meat temp yet. I'll probably check at the 12 hour mark.

While adding the coals, I also flipped the meat to ensure even doneness.

See attached pics, pre-flip and after. (Jerk Rub is on the left, Armadillo Willy's is on the right).


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Mine usually take right up to the 15 hr mark at 250 lid temp to hit 190 internal. I don't baste or flip. Lookin real good so far.

Took them off at exactly the 15 hr mark. The internal temperture was at 186°F. Wrapped them in foil and stuck them in a cooler till we ate 3 hours later. We ate the Armadillo Willy's Pork and I didn't even bother setting out the Jamaican Jerk rubbed one. There was so much food and 1 pork butt was plenty. I am going to leave some of the Jerk pork out for sandwiches this week and freeze the rest.

When my electricity is back on at home (after effects from Ike even reached here in NE Ohio), I will post a picture of the pulled pork. I had a few compliments that it was the best pulled pork they ever had and my wife said that this was her favorite meat that I've smoked so far. Personally, I favor my beef brisket and ribs better, but she thinks the pork butts are the best.

And in case your wondering, I have the leftover pork wrapped in foil and in a freezer bag on ice in a cooler. I don't want 15 hours of smokiness to go to waste due to an electrical outage! ;)

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