Wearing contacts

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I've been wearing contacts since '79. Like others I started with hard lenses, but now I wear soft bifocals. You'll get used to taking them in and out. Like Rey, I use Clear Care. I've never had a problem with dry eyes so I don't use rewetting solutions. I like being able to wear any pair of sunglasses. The bifocals work great, the only time I need reading glasses is for real closeup detail work. I wear them from when I get up till bedtime and would hate to go back to glasses. I've never tried extended wear lenses.
I did not care for the different mono prescription in each eye. Hence, the bifocal lenses. They seem to be getting better at making wider range prescriptions for bifocals. I take mine out every night, replace them every 4 weeks. Proclear multifocal.

I've noticed ads around here for $500 for lasik. According to friends, that somehow translates into $5,000 out of your pocket.
I did not care for the different mono prescription in each eye. Hence, the bifocal lenses. They seem to be getting better at making wider range prescriptions for bifocals. I take mine out every night, replace them every 4 weeks. Proclear multifocal.

I've noticed ads around here for $500 for lasik. According to friends, that somehow translates into $5,000 out of your pocket.

the wife and i paid $3,000 for her lasik eye surgery. the best investment i ever made but if you go to a place that's only charging you $500 for this i would be very careful. you might come out of there legally blind :D
Took them out last night before bed. Wife was naggin me. Tried for about 30 min to get them back in this morning. No luck. Gave up so I wouldn't be late for work. Crap.
Took them out last night before bed. Wife was naggin me. Tried for about 30 min to get them back in this morning. No luck. Gave up so I wouldn't be late for work. Crap.

leave them in tonight if you can. don't give up buddy.
I will if I can get them back in after work. :D I can't seen to get my upper eyelid/lashes to stay up high enough. Also can't seem to stop the urge to blink. Don't know what I did the day before when they went in so easy.:mad:
I will if I can get them back in after work. :D I can't seen to get my upper eyelid/lashes to stay up high enough. Also can't seem to stop the urge to blink. Don't know what I did the day before when they went in so easy.:mad:

with me left hand i hold the upper eye lid and with my right the lower eye lid while having the contact on one finger on the right hand. if i get an urge to blink, i blink the other eye.
with me left hand i hold the upper eye lid and with my right the lower eye lid while having the contact on one finger on the right hand. if i get an urge to blink, i blink the other eye.
Good advise. And before letting go of the eyelids, look down. That will help the lens adjust to the eyeball, and reduce the chances of it popping out when you let go.
Good advise. And before letting go of the eyelids, look down. That will help the lens adjust to the eyeball, and reduce the chances of it popping out when you let go.

good point. you can add to this if you wish while looking down pull the eyelid forward and look straight. let go of your eyelid then which at this point will land on top of the contact. i do this because at times when i look back up after inserting the lens the upper eye lid might push out the lens. this isn't the case for everyone but it's something else you can try.
The peepers have been fading in the last few years. Don't like any of the glasses that I have had. Seem to look ok when I pick out the frames at the eye doc, but don't like them when I get home. Went back today and decided to get contacts. Wow. I was there for over an hour while they showed me how to put them in and take them out. I was terrible. I don't see (parden the pun) how this is going to get easier. They kept telling me it will. Man I don't know. I don't like touching my eyes. Any advice or techniques anyone would like to share. I will greatly appeciate it.

I've been wearing them since 1980 or so. I only wear my glasses at night when I'm in for the evening. I remember it took me forever to put them in. After month you'll be a pro only taking 30 seconds to put them in.
Figures I talk about it and now my left eye is irritated. I think it's a combination of contacts and allergies. It feels like I have pink eye in my left eye.

I'm wearing my glasses today which I hate!! :mad:
Figures I talk about it and now my left eye is irritated. I think it's a combination of contacts and allergies. It feels like I have pink eye in my left eye.

I'm wearing my glasses today which I hate!! :mad:

Yeah i know what you mean. i don't have any. i rather be blind than wear glasses.
I'm waiting until I have cataract surgery. Why fool around with Lasik when I can have a procedure that insurance will pay for. :D
I went that route too and opted for the "crystal lens" for both eyes, for which insurance covered only about half. That lens type gives me 20/15 in the right eye from about 24" to infinity. Surprisingly even my close-in vision is good enough in strong light that I don't need reading glasses (more than they promised!). The extra cost I paid includes a "touch-up" guarantee, which I am about to invoke for my left eye which still has "3 clicks" of astigmatism and is at about 20/30; I can "squint" that into about 20/20. I chose LASIK for that secondary fix (PRK is also an option), to be done next month. I'm hoping with the touch-up my left will match the right eye.

One caveat - you might also end-up having to have a "capsulotomy" following lens replacement. I had to have that done in my left eye to clear some post-op clouding, and it looks like it will also be needed in the right to clear some scar tissue. That's also a laser procedure done in-office. "Floaters" are a consequence of that procedure; I have some minor instances in my left eye now and expect the same for my right...
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