I will buy only AFTER they add "name based recording" , not before! I saved my money and was ready to buy, but I am waiting.
Isn't the 721 software development done by Elton, like the 921? Or is it in-house, like the 5xx/625?
721 owners unite

It should be noted no word on the 721, and it should also be noted that name based recording has never been announced for the 921

The reason why name based recording is coming is because of all the SatelliteGuys and DBSTalk members who made their voice heard!

Our thanks go out to Charlie Ergen for working with us to get us the promised name based recording feature back in the mix!

Way to go everyone! See what happenes when we all work together? :D[/QUOTE]

So, how many unhappy, misled and forgotten 721 owners are out there? I'm happy for the 5XX owners, but I still feel deceived and pissed off... :mad:
Scott Greczkowski said:
I am told that almost 75% of the DVRs out there are 50X series units.

That does not make it OK to leave the DVR owners hanging when the CEO said he was going to make NBR happen and even gave a release schedule.
OK, call me dumb but what is "name base recording" and why is it so important to everyone? I have a 510 and have no complaints whatsoever in my Dish service, but it seems alot of people are upset over this issue. Please enlighten me. Thanks, Mike
NBR tracks shows even when they move, or (depending on implementation) even when they're on more than one network.

Practical example: The wife likes Survivor, so she sets a Season Pass on our TiVo to record first-run episodes whenever they occur. Once in a while CBS bumps the show from Thursday to Wednesday to accomodate sports. The TiVo effortlessly "notices" the new day/time and records it anyway.
Thanks, so if I liked the show "The Simpsons" the NBR would find it anywhere it was being shown and record it for me? I use this as an example because it is being shown on so many stations. I could in all reality record 4 or 5 shows from one night from 4 or 5 different stations? It is what is in the name of the show that the reciever picks up to record? Thanks for helping me understand this. Mike
shodobe said:
Please enlighten me. Thanks, Mike
Mike, I am in your camp, I have the VCR-paradigm for recording; you know, see a program in the EPG, press "Select", create the event, and it gets recorded. It it isn't in the Guide (like the old HM-DSR100U only went out 44 hours at most,) you just created a timer event manually entering the time and day (or date).

With Name-Based Recording (NBR) you would select a program the same way; see it in the guide and set up an event. The difference is the DVR is looking for the event's program title, not its time, in the EPG, so if "Crossfire" is an hour later on Friday, the DVR records an hour later to catch the program. It is also possible to cross channels, say to record "Law and Order" re-runs on TNT and the new episodes on NBC.

Of course, this requires an absolutely accurate, up-to-date EPG. I have an 811 and as often as the Guide gets corrupted on it, let's just say I have my concerns...

People say that once you have lived with NBR, you won't want to give it up.
Foxbat said:
Of course, this requires an absolutely accurate, up-to-date EPG.
That's why I consider a LIVE EPG to be an important missing feature of NBR.

V-Chip information is broadcast with shows on TV now, and one of the potential fields that is part of the data is the show title. I have one TV that when it V-Chip locks out a program it also displays the name of the show blocked (as well as the rating information).

As long as the networks transmit the V-Chip name and everyone in the chain keeps that info in the program E* should be able to use that data to identify when a program is running long. So what if Friends was scheduled to end at 9pm? If the network is still feeding Friends five minutes later they should keep the title accurate in their V-Chip info, that data should be broadcast and picked up by E*, and used to "extend" the length of the timed recording. (End on name change.) I believe this is how TiVo extends to capture the end of an overrun show.

It would take considerable database work, but on channels that provide V-Chip info E* could use that to live update the EPG. The present/next EPG is on every transponder for the browse function now. With the right technology leap, it could be live updated as a program runs long. Then NBR and common users would see the EPG shifting to accomodate delayed shows.

It is a leap, but I believe once Live EPG is designed and working it too would be seen as one of those features one would not want to live without. Like NBR and DVRs.

So here I sit with my 2-year-old $500 721 (third one, actually), and I'm left out in the cold. The hard drive is starting to sound like a lathe in a machine shop again, and I've got the $1.99/mo. insurance, so I may try to negotiate my way into a 522. Think that will work?
Sounds like a great time for The DishStore to start promoting those refurbished 508s again. I've had mine for a year now and love it, even though NBR has been a long time coming. Hopefully they will address some other issues at the same time, such as the need for a weekly card-pull reset.

I still can't believe we have been talking about the possibility of this coming for that long. This was supposed to have happened last summer!
SteveinDanville said:
So here I sit with my 2-year-old $500 721 (third one, actually), and I'm left out in the cold. The hard drive is starting to sound like a lathe in a machine shop again, and I've got the $1.99/mo. insurance, so I may try to negotiate my way into a 522. Think that will work?

Probably, but the question is will they stick the $5 DVR fee on you. Is it worth $60 a year to get one. The 721 does not carry the fee, the 522 does.
I received this email from Donna B. at DISH network Ecare today.

Thank you for your email.

I have been ADVISED that eventually all of our DVR receivers will have name based recording , it is done through a software download not built into the receiver. The hoped for timeframe is sometime this summer, but since each different software will have to be initially built, I do not want to promise more than what Charlie promised that EVENTUALLY it will have the function.

Now this is tricky because it could mean that only existing DVR receivers like the 510 /921 would get nbr . The older PVR receivers like the 501/508 /721 would not because they are not DVRS and they do not charge a dvr fee. I could be over analyzing this but it would stand to reason that this would be the approach. The other way would be to down load the nbr software to all the DVR /PVR receivers and they can now charge the dvr fee to everyone . They did say on one of the chats years back that the 501/508/721 would not have a fee "AT THIS TIME". This could be the way they could give us what we want and they can still make a buck at it.

I just hope that she is telling the truth and that this is not being said just to get me to hang on till summers end . I really am tired of the dangling carrot approach to Dish receivers; The never ending software update for the 921 that will fix ALL OF THE PROBLEMS. :rolleyes:
Its not too odd that he didn't mention the 501/508, since they likely go in the same breathe with the 510. It would likely be more difficult for them to separate the software of the 501/508 from the 510, than it would be to just allow NBR to exists on all three.
I replayed the "chat" and if I'm not mistaken Charlie said that all 500 series DVRs would get NBR. Also, if a 501 or 508 was purchased before they started charging DVR fees I think it's only fair that they shouldn't be charged. Sadly the 501s and 508s will eventually wear out and then we will be at Dish's mercy. JMO
The receiver goes bad and Dish offers you an MPEG-4 receiver for retail price or you can lease one from them for less money upfront. Most people would choose the lease route.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Thank you to everyone who made their voices heard about the Name Based Recording controversey! After announcing that Name Based Recording would NOT be coming to the 50x series of DVR's, Dish Network CEO Charlie Ergen tonight announced that name based recording would indeed be coming to the 50x series!

does that mean my 3 or 4 year old 508 should get NBR??

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