WB/Netflix delayed rental agreement


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Supporting Founder
May 22, 2004
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and Netflix Announce New Agreements Covering Availability of DVDs, Blu-ray and Streaming Content | Business Wire

Makes business sense to me to some degree for WB and also netflix since they appear to get greater rights for streaming and for more rental discs at a discounted price (at least that's how I read it).

Can't say I like it 100% as it won't make me go out and buy discs just because I can't rent them yet. Probably gonna funnel alot more people to pirating disc rips.

If they think delaying a crappy movie 28 days, makes me wanna buy it instead of rent it, they are as dumb as I thought they were.

On the discounted price, I'm sure we wont see that.
Most movies are out on video before I even realize they aren't in theaters anymore, so having to wait another month won't make me buy it or switch to Blockbuster. I'm hopeful for some decent movies finally on Netflix's streaming service now that I've burned through most of the watchable B-movies. It'll just mean I can stay at my one disc at a time service.
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and Netflix Announce New Agreements Covering Availability of DVDs, Blu-ray and Streaming Content | Business Wire

Makes business sense to me to some degree for WB and also netflix since they appear to get greater rights for streaming and for more rental discs at a discounted price (at least that's how I read it).

Can't say I like it 100% as it won't make me go out and buy discs just because I can't rent them yet. Probably gonna funnel alot more people to pirating disc rips.
The movie industry is proving itself to be as stupid as the record industry. These people just don;t get it.
I dropped BB because of poor service. Might be time to drop NF, too. This agreement sucks. People aren't going to buy a vast majority of the titles.

Can't you just wait 30 days? I can. I have about 25 movies in my disc queue that I have not seen yet.

If it's a title I want to watch then, no. I want to watch when it is released to the general public. BB gets it, Hollywood gets it. Poor decision making.

If a movie comes out that I just have to see right away, I will probably go rent it elsewhere. If they all start doing this 30 day delay, then I'll probably be very picky, but will go buy it, then resell it on one of the blu-ray the forums for about the price of a rental less. But honestly, there really aren't that many movies I can't wait 30 days to see. Most kids movies we end up buying anyways so that is not a factor for me.
If it's a title I want to watch then, no. I want to watch when it is released to the general public. BB gets it, Hollywood gets it. Poor decision making.


I would not count on the rest of the rental industry staying away from this deal. I suspect that BB and others will be next on the list to change practices.
Yeah, they will be coming in too. I will continue to buy the movies I want, and rent the rest, even if they go to 90 days.

Once you get yourself in a rotation of being 30 days behind, its not noticed anyways. I had to do the same when I swapped to Vudu for awhile. Did not mind the delay, it was the lack of AQ.
It looks like the movie industry wants Theater->PPV->Disc->Rental->HBO->TV with a good gap between each to maximize the revenue for each format. They want to milk it for all its worth. One cannot blame them they are selling an expensive product.
I agree that that's what they want, but all they're going to get is an increased amount of piracy.
I think the movie industry wants Theater->Disc->TV and that's it, the other steps are just other businesses getting in on the action.

...and then you have the fighting between the PPV and Disc, and Disc and Rental (esp Redbox), etc.

Anyways, I like this news, we basically rent almost nothing, so bring on more additions to watch instantly, yay!
I smiled from ear to ear when I saw this. We use the instant streaming far more than discs.

We don't buy DVDs, there's no point, we watch the movie once and that's it, there's too many movies out there to watch it twice. We don't go to the movie theaters anymore either. Just too expensive and I hate the theaters. Too many idiots texting (lighting up the theater), talking on the phone, laughing all the time for no reason going over board, and just plain being loud. So I end up just getting pissed that I actually drove here and paid to be tormented like this.
Prob with the streaming, is the wait. I'd pay ppv prices before I waited for it to make streaming. Plus, Im sorry, once youve had HD audio and Br, the rest just does not cut it for a HT experience.

I too do not go to the theater much anymore.
Personally I am getting a little tired of Netflix anyway. Seems like every movie I want has a long delay anyway. I am about to the point of dropping them and just using Redbox. I can get online and see if a title is available at any of 3 locations within a mile or so of me. Hard to beat that $1 a night price tag.
In regards to PPV, I just have to ask if anyone actually buys PPV movies. Everytime I think about it on my Dishnetwork receiver and flip to the channel and see that price tag I just get chills. I think it is like $6.99 to see an on demand movie in HD. Makes me wonder what kind of drugs the people are on that set this pricing. If these movies were $2 a piece I would probably never rent a dvd again, but just knowing that I am getting raped prevents me from ever hitting the purchase button......
Until Redbox has a reliable BR selection, I'll keep Nflix and just deal with the studio enforced wait. No biggie right now, because I have about 25 movies in my queue.
You won't get a lot of "new" movies from Redbox either. They're in a similar battle with the movie companies too (though in some cases, they've resorted to buying discs at retail and stocking their kiosks with those !!).

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