I haven't heard any complaints about the DC HD LIL lately, but I do have a few observations and questions. I have been comparing Fox5 (DC)/Fox35 (Richmond) OTA, Fox5 HD LIL (E*), Fox HD Seattle (*C).
1. Fox OTA sports is delivered consistently across the board: DC, Richmond, Baltimore, etc. - it all looks the same from my observations.
2. E* has done an excellent job with HD LIL the past few months. The MPEG-2 Fox HD from Seattle (*C) looks identical to our MPEG-4 HD LIL.
3. OTA is ever-so-slightly better than E* HD LIL. The 720p channels (Fox and ABC) are excellent, even for the most avid HD-Lite haters, and the 1080i channels (CBS, NBC) are pretty good, but could be a little better.
4. I noticed the Seattle MPEG-2 HD Fox (*C) is only about one-half second behind Fox5 HD OTA, whereas E* MPEG-4 HD Fox5 is around 2 1/2 seconds behind Fox5 HD OTA.
Does everyone agree or disagree?
Why the additional 2 second delay for the E* MPEG4 version vice the *C MPEG2 version? I can't imagine it taking that much longer to encode/decode an MPEG-4 datastream?