Was DISH Robbed at CES?

Persoanlly I don't see this as the major story it has become. I am not all that concerned about whether DISH was "robbed'. I am concerned though about the objectivity of CNET. it seems that their relationship with their corporate owner is affecting their ability to carry out the role they have at CES and raises questions about the objectivity of their news coverage and reviews.
The bolded answers your own question on why this has become a major story. So we agree. :)
Persoanlly I don't see this as the major story it has become. I am not all that concerned about whether DISH was "robbed'. I am concerned though about the objectivity of CNET.
This is a Dish-fan website, so yes, the story should be about CNET's (or their parent company's) bias or non-neutral journalism practices. How Dish was impacted makes for a good story here though...
I am enjoying how CBS is generating more press for Hopper by disqualifying it than if it had just won as originally voted. What do CEOs know?
The bolded answers your own question on why this has become a major story. So we agree. :)

What I disagree with is the focus of the news stories and the title of this thread. To me the treatment of DISH is not important. What is important is that CNET chose to nominate them for the award but then disqualified them and the reason for the disqualification was pressure from their owner. I am not sure wher Dare2be stands on it all but my post was general in nature not directed at his posts or opinions.

As for it beinga DISH fan website I was unaware that was what it is---or that there was some problem with pointing out that you see a different problem in the story than the treatment of the Hopper or DISH>
I am starting to see some chatter on this from people on my facebook list, many of whom I know do not have Dish, or Directv for that matter. To a person, they are all saying the same basic thing. Lack of integrity. CBS may well come out looking worse for this than I originally thought..
The title of this thread is what I posted as I posted this minutes after DISH learned it was disqualified. We broke the news, other media outlets did not pick up on it for hours later.

From there it snowballed into this PR nightmare for CNET. A lot of people who don't even care about DISH are upset with CBS and CNET over this. This one is going to cost CBS and CNET big time.

The big winner here is DISH, so they didn't get the award the won. CES is over and its now 5 days since CES ended. No one is talking about CES anymore but they are still talking about this. To me this is probably better then any award the would have received. They couldn't buy advertising like this.

Soon the fuss will be over yet it will take a long long time for CNET to recover (if it can recover)

Since this award is given on behalf of the CEA it would not surprise me to see them select another company to give away the award next year. This was not just the CNET award, it was the CEA's award for best of show. So not only was this award taken by CBS, but it was also taken from the CEA.
What I disagree with is the focus of the news stories and the title of this thread. To me the treatment of DISH is not important. What is important is that CNET chose to nominate them for the award but then disqualified them and the reason for the disqualification was pressure from their owner. I am not sure wher Dare2be stands on it all but my post was general in nature not directed at his posts or opinions.

As for it beinga DISH fan website I was unaware that was what it is---or that there was some problem with pointing out that you see a different problem in the story than the treatment of the Hopper or DISH>
I haven't been paying much attention to the news stories since all commercial news has its own slant...but yeah, the title of this thread is unfortunate and has attracted more than a few misplaced comments.

And no, this is not a Dish fan website, this is a satellite website of which you are in the Dish forum. So yeah, there will be some discussion on how this fiasco affects Dish.
Saying this is a Dish fan website is very incorrect. Saying the Dish forum is a fan site may be more accurate since most everyone is a Dish sub or interested in getting Dish. You could say the same about the DirecTV forum on here. The reason it seems like it's more swayed towards Dish is because of the amount of information and the support given from Dish. DirecTV would have a much larger presence here if they offered more support.

This is a SATELLITE and TV fan site, and I feel I speak for a lot of people here when I say the best of it's kind.
Scherrman is correct, I would've LOVED to have covered the HR-44 at CES, but we were not invited to see it. It was being shown off at a private DIRECTV suite and also at a private Broadcom Meeting room. It is my feeling that DIRECTV beats DISH in a number of things and am not afraid to admit it or tell DISH my feelings.

I should also note since the product was not being officially shown at CES it was not eligible to win any awards. If the HR-44 was shown I have a feeling it would have been a tough battle to pick a winner. No matter who won I would be very happy as it would have been a satellite product that won.

Me, I love Satellite Technology and don't care which company it's from. As I have always done I will tell you both the good and bad about any product I review. If you have read any of my reviews you know I have never sugar coated anything I have written in them.

I hold no allegiance to any company. The reason we only covered DISH at CES is because they were the one satellite company who was actually at CES, and not hidden in some private suite. If we were invited to check out the DIRECTV stuff you can bet your bottom dollar they would have received the same coverage that DISH received, and it would have been an honor to do it. I got to admit its kind of BORING going to CES just to cover one satellite company.
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Saying this is a Dish fan website is very incorrect. Saying the Dish forum is a fan site may be more accurate since most everyone is a Dish sub or interested in getting Dish. You could say the same about the DirecTV forum on here. The reason it seems like it's more swayed towards Dish is because of the amount of information and the support given from Dish. DirecTV would have a much larger presence here if they offered more support.

This is a SATELLITE and TV fan site, and I feel I speak for a lot of people here when I say the best of it's kind.
Geez, I said the same thing before you but didn't get any likes. :D Yours was more direct.
I know that Scott has tried and tried to incorporate more DirecTV coverage, but as he points out above and at other times, they don't invite him, ignore him, etc, etc. I also know that Scott tries to make the "base" here as broad as possible, but people can look at the numbers or activity here themselves. The Dish forums has more than 2x the activity of the DirecTV forums. In fact, if you add up the numbers for ALL of the forums here, the Dish forums still are twice as active.
I know that Scott has tried and tried to incorporate more DirecTV coverage, but as he points out above and at other times, they don't invite him, ignore him, etc, etc. I also know that Scott tries to make the "base" here as broad as possible, but people can look at the numbers or activity here themselves. The Dish forums has more than 2x the activity of the DirecTV forums. In fact, if you add up the numbers for ALL of the forums here, the Dish forums still are twice as active.
Perhaps one of the services has two times the problems:)
Perhaps one of the services has two times the problems:)

Or perhaps its because DISH has engaged customers here, and are available to answer questions or offer help. I don't see Directv doing that. Even the Directv facebook page seems like it's void of help on a personal level.

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