My Wife had to go through that treatment last year. She got bit in March, and, had to go the medication route TWICE so don't be surprised if it takes more than one time with yours.
She still has some problems with the bite site swelling and itching like crazy but the flu like symptoms have pretty much been gone since early summer.
It's been my experience that tick bites, Lyme disease or not, flare up and itch for several weeks. Not sure why, but that's been my experience. We only have a few cases of Lyme's disease here each year, and I don't get bit all that often, but one is too many. Deer ticks are the usual culprits here. Last year, I shot a deer and it looked like its hair was crawling. The number of ticks on that deer was amazing. When I got ready to clean it, I put on my Armour Hide hunting outfit. Ticks can't bite through it and it has elastic feet and sleeves so they can't crawl under it.
The only place you have to watch is your hair, which I don't have a lot of anyway, and your neck, hands and feet. It cuts the chance of being bitten considerably. I've never had it, but I've read and heard there's a white ring around the biter mark if the tick was a carrier. If I do get bit, I always watch for that and the symptoms. Nasty little critters and they give me the willies when I find one on me. We used to deal with dog ticks when we were kids, but no one ever got sick off them, including the dog.