Warning on a GeoSat 200c

Dr. Pepper 6044

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Jun 10, 2010
South Georgia

I installed a recent purchace at a client's home and I had the usual difficulty find a useable signal on weak G19/11842. It worked fine for 3 days then the image froze with the following message: ...."WARNING! DO NOT POWER Off--software downloading--flash write. --WARNING!! Do NOT sot of

I'm going to the site in the am to evaluate the situation and replace the receiver for the user until I get a new one in transit now.

Any suggestions?
The signal was too weak on 11842 for the update to occur. It started the download then lost adequate signal.

Most likely not a receiver issue.

Power cycle the Master Power switch on the back of the receiver. When the system comes back up, check the Signal Quality reading on channel 106. You will likely find that the SQ reading is quite low....
Thanks Brian,

Going there now.

This install had all the characteristics of the first G19 acquisition here at my home back in 2010. I would see sq in the 4-6 dB area and after sitting at that level for a minute or so, the meter locks with high sq on the stronger transonderss on the bird, but with the lowest on 11842.

I think I could benefit from an lnb with a larer feedhorn. Do you have a suggestion?

L8r, Bill
Might be a defective LNBF with a LO frequency that is not centered on 10750. try swapping to another Standard type (LO 10750) LNBF as a test.
Hi Brian,

I went back this am and found the receiver working except for the fact that when I used the remote to change channels, the receiver went off.. Who knows?
I changed the receiver and remote, just to be sure. Then went out to the dish and checked things out. Changed the lnbf to the orginal one they had on a 2005ish 3abn dish (bigger feedhorn).
All work fine now, with better sq than before - no aiming adjustments.

With the 200c and remote here now, I'm going to test them out.

I'm going to replace this entire system with the new one coming across the country now.

Thanks again. I'll keep you posted. :-) Bill

I'm at the church typing on a brand new iMac computer. I typed my message here and in editing, I lost it all. Mac is kewl in many ways, but I get crossed up now and then.

I took the GSL1s Bullet home. I put the meter on the working lnb and read 11.7 dB s/n. Then I exchanged the lnb, and could only get 10.6 dB. Obviously not as good, but I don't think enough to cause the warning the user got.

I now have that 200c and the remote that caused erroneous standby/off commands connected at church. All working fine. I don't know exactly what was wrong.

One thing I haven't mentioned here is that on initial install, the existing cable was used and 'no signal' was seen. After checking, we decided to try a new cable. We strung it out the window and the connection was good. I left it there and planned on returning to drag a new cable through the attic. The user curiously searched if maybe I had connected the wrong coax (with many cables behind his TV and other devices) He reconnected the existing one and it all worked fine. But on Friday night, the warning came on. (the heavy rain had not yet started) If we lose function like this again, a new cable is in order. I'm sure most folks that may read this can relate to my desire to use an existing Fconnector coax if I can. My system at home uses a cable first installed by the PrimeStar installer in 1995.

I plan to replace dish/lnbf/receiver/remote when they get here coming across the country. Cable too if we have to.

Of the eleven units I've installed, the 3 with the highest sq levels are the ones using large feed horn lnbf's. This one here has 90% on 11966 and 82% on 11842.

I'm very open to your opinions and suggestions. Thank you. I'll try to post this without loosing it. :-)

We are about to start shipping a new LNBF with all GloryStar systems that I am sure that you will love! Should start shipping around June 1st.

The GEOSATpro SL1PLL is a Standard type with LO 10750 with larger scalar and PLL for +\-300KHz frequency drift. The medium gain paired with a true .5dB NR tests exceptionally good against any competitors LNBF.

The SL1PLL is the world's first Standard type LNBF and we are offering a LIFETIME WARRANTY against defect, frequency drift and UV damage! That should make installers very happy!
Only one output? Will a dual be offered.

No two output PLL version at this time.

The GEOSATpro SL2 Bullet is one of the best performing KU LNBFs on the market. A PLL version cannot match the performance of the SL2, so we have decided to stay with the current design. Why change the best?

It looks like we can't buy a new SL1PLL now.. :-(

The 200c I talked about the other day again turns itself off each time there is a remote command. I don't have an extra remote here, but I will tomorrow.

Has anyone else experienced this?

The 200c I talked about the other day again turns itself off each time there is a remote command. I don't have an extra remote here, but I will tomorrow.
Has anyone else experienced this?

We have never had a STB exhibit that issue before. Let us know the results of your test. It could either be a defective remote or receiver. Does the front panel buttons control the receiver without shutting it off?

Enter the Testing Menu (Master Power Switch ON while pressing and holding the Channel Up key on the receiver's front panel. Select and perform the Front Panel test option. This will verify correct button control for not only the front panel, but also the remote buttons. Master power cycle the receiver to exit the test menu.

The 200c and remote that did the warning and standby/off result with any remote command started its thing again and consistently. I didn't have another remote handy, but will go back with one and see wha happens.

Has anyone else experienced a receiver going to standby/off upon channel up/down, volume up/down, etc. commands?

Seems to me a larger feed horn single feed lnbf is good, similar design would also be good on a dual feed??

I'd still like to buy a new SL1PLL.

I had another client's 200c receiver give the warning about download interruption.

I just unplugged it and replugged in. All works fine.

I didn't install this dish. I did install a new receiver. The sq was in the 60-70's, and had been stable for 2 years. I didn't suspect any diminished signal. Of course, I wasn't there at the time. Did a serious thunderstorm interrupt 11842 signal during an update?

I turned the auto update off.

Next time I'm there, I'll update manually.

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Dr. Pepper 6044 said:
I had another client's 200c receiver give the warning about download interruption.

I just unplugged it and replugged in. All works fine.

I didn't install this dish. I did install a new receiver. The sq was in the 60-70's, and had been stable for 2 years. I didn't suspect any diminished signal. Of course, I wasn't there at the time. Did a serious thunderstorm interrupt 11842 signal during an update?

I turned the auto update off.

Next time I'm there, I'll update manually.


If the quality reading is above 50% on 11842, the unit will update without issue. Likely that the signal was interrupted during the download. A thunderhead could be the cause.

Seems a bit drastic to turn off the update as this would indicate that the unit is not installed as GloryStar. Personally, I would activate in GloryStar and observe if extreme bad weather is present at 3am on the Tuesday morning when the updates occur.
I agree, Brian.

If her system works well for a while, I'll reactivate and see how it does in autoupdate. This lady is elderly, cva limited on one side and lives about an hour away from me. I just learned that her grandaughter lives nearby and I can ask her to go by and hard reboot the receiver if needed.

:-) Bill

Remote for GeoSatPro Power button flashing

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