This is what I want to here, is personnal opinions. Live in Cadillac, Michigan and 2 ft. of snow on ground and roof. Will probably have some southern exposures issue, for some sats. Getting old, don't want to climb on snow cover roofs. Had 10 ft. mesh dish about 20 years ago at another place I lived. Want to retire in couple of years if 401k comes back.
I've had DVRs and like them. Reviews I find on net, seems to be just sales specs, and not personnal opinions.
I have a *irectv angle dish with 3 lnbs, with RCA Utimatetv unit, but from what I've been reading, will probably not work very well. Will keep reading hope I get it right the first time.
There see? You are only about 65 miles north-west of me, and I just turned 50 last week AND had major spinal-surgery on my neck last year the end of July (4 vertibrae pinned with titanium). I still dug that hole, and stuck a 2.5 inch pole in it 2 weeks ago. Granted, we did get 14 inches of snow Sunday night, hehe. Lucky that was after I got everything set up.
By all means, do a ground-pole instead of a roof mount. With a larger dish, you don't want your roof ripping off some night when you are sleeping. You probably have some nice sandy-loam type soil up there, which is real easy to dig with a post hole digger. I can do the 4 feet here in about 10 minutes. I just bell-out the bottom, chuck a flat patio block in the bottom (to set the pole on, so it can't keep sinking down in the soft ground) and use quick-crete bags of cement. Then use a nice pole level device, and make sure the pole doesn't shift while the cement sets up for about 5 days or so.
I'll bet if you do some looking around, you'll find some Primestar dishes still in peoples yards up there. If so, knock on the door, and ask them if you can have them. You only need an adjustible wrench to get them off the pole, and a wire cutters if they are still wired. If you also want the pole, you'll need a shovel, and a fence post popper to pop it out of the ground. Or a guy with a bucket-tractor and a chain. That's much easier on the back.
Try to get the bigger 1 meter dish. They are rarer, but they are around. Apparently, a lot of Michigan people had Primestar back in the day... At least in the mid-Michigan area, and I've seen them up as far as Houghton lake, and even more north. The ellipitical Primestar dishes were about 10 to 1 installed in the field over the older 1 meter one, and they also are usable, but not as much gain. But, you have to start somewhere...