Wanting HD on outside TV - Needing help with hardware

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Original poster
Jul 22, 2012
Just East of Atlanta
I have a pool house that I am wanting to add satellite HD TV. I'm currently a direct tv customer and in the past have pulled a receiver from an indoor TV and hooked it to a 4:3 SD TV and an 18" round dish. After a few changes to my receiver (H-23) I was in business, that is for SD. Now after my TV went down I have decided to purchase a HDTV to use. So I'm looking for advice on the best satellite to get that will work with my H-23 receiver and allow me to get all the HD channels I would in my house. This dish would only need to be a single line - No switch or multi-switch required. The cable run from the dish to the receiver is about 25-30 ft. A DTV rep said all I need is a slimline 3 LMB dish. I was told that the Atlanta local channels are broadcasted over satellites that are received by a slimline. Before I put out any money I was hoping to get a second optinion on the hardware to ensure I can get the HD channels that I'm looking for.

HD 46"tv
H23-600 DirectTV Satellite Receiver
Satellite Dish - LMB?
Currently have 18" round dish and 3 LMB dish.

Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.
:welcome to Satelliteguys!

The Slimline with an sl3 lnb will get all of your channels unless you want the few music channels on 119. There are a couple of other channels there, but not any that most people get.
OK - So I got my dish, SLIMLINE DIRECTV 3LNB KAKU BANDS HIGH DEF DISH. (dish I purchased tinyurl.com/czlk9dk) , yesterday and put it together today. Hooked it up to the IRD (H-23). Went through the menu guide and satellite type and chose slimline 3lnb (#3) on my selection list. After the IRD tried to find the signal it reverted back to the dish that I have in the house (#17 on the list not sure at this time the name) and said satellite could not be found. In the past I would make sure I have the right satellite, then head to the signal strength and adjust the dish to get a signal and tune in. But for some reason it would not hold or recognize the slimeline.
Other installation questions?

When choosing from the satellite type menu if is choose the streamline 3lnb (#3) on the list I do not have an option for multi-switch. On the previous non-HD dishes that I have I had to change to Mult-switch not SWM.

Also there is, what appears to be, a power booster that I received with the dish. If I'm running 1 line to 1 TV is this power booster necessary?

Just wonder if I might be missing something.

Thanks for any and all help or suggestions
Yes, the power inserter is necessary. Disconnect your H23 right now! Seriously! The power inserter provides 21 volts to run the lnb. Without it, the H23 tries to do it, but the power supply in the H23 can't do it. You might burn out the power supply if you leave it connected the way it is.
raoul5788 said:
Yes, the power inserter is necessary. Disconnect your H23 right now! Seriously! The power inserter provides 21 volts to run the lnb. Without it, the H23 tries to do it, but the power supply in the H23 can't do it. You might burn out the power supply if you leave it connected the way it is.

It's a bad idea BUT I seen an H23 run a SWM LNB at a camp ground for over 3 months this year without a single hiccup! It was actually kind of funny. But yeah, you need to add that power inserter if your LNB is a SWM LNB. Raoul is right, you can do some serious damage to a receiver this way
thanks for the advice. It was hooked up without the power supply for about 10 minutes. I then put the power supple in the line as indicated and tried to get the dish to register with the receiver. Still no luck. After an unsuccessful attempt I brought the IRD back inside, hooked up to the tv inside and did not see or could not tell any issues with the IRD. I will try again today with the power supple and see if I have any luck.
BTW is it possible to get a good signal without a signal meter? The IRD is about 10-15 ft from the dish.

I welcome all comments especially if I'm headed in the wrong direction.
You should be able to align the dish without a meter, just use the ones in the menu. Make sure the mast is plumb, then set the skew and elevation on the back of the dish. If you have a smartphone I recommend getting the dishpointer app. It's $20 and well worth it. It will show you exactly where the satellites are. If you don't have it, use a compass to find the azimuth. Tighten the dish enough to keep it from moving easily and check the signal levels on 101. It's usually pretty easy to get 101 in the mid 90s. When you do, then check 99 and 103. By pushing lightly on the dish on the four "corners", you can tell which way it needs to go to improve those numbers. Once it is close, use the small adjustment knobs (dithering) the get the best alignment you can. Tighten the bolts and viola!, you are done! Good luck, and don't be afraid to come back and ask more questions.
Thanks for the advice. I will be giving it another goal, hopefully within the next hour or so. Still want to get clarification on a couple things.

Previously when I hooked up to the IRD - the IRD would not recognize the dish. Could that be because of the power supply was not in the mix?

Second - After I chose the satellite (3 lnb) I'm not able to change the switch type. Should the switch type be Multi-switch or swm?

You do not know how much I appreciate the help with this1

Thanks again
It should recognize the swm setup automatically.
The dish type should automatically go to slimline-3 (SWM) then the multi-switch will switch to "SWM" as well so you don't need to change anything in that menu. If these aren't switching automatically you've got an issue. Make sure the power inserter is plugged in right and then check it again. If you see "SWM registration error" in the bottom left of the screen select "recheck SWM" this should take care of that issue
Also, the power inserter should be plugged in first, then the H23.
When I hook it up the receiver recognizes the dish as a slimline-3S (number 17 on the list). The slimline-3s is the same dish I have on my house but not this dish. This was a normal process even when I was using the round 18" dish to get standard def. When I manually try to change I get the "satellite can not be found error" which I'm ok with that because it needs to be fine tuned a bit. In the past I would then go to signal strength>signal meters and dial in the signal. Now when I go to the signal strength I get Turn 1: not acquired. I was told by a DTV rep that even if my dish is pointed to the ground I should not get "not acquired". If turner 1 is "not acquired" will I still get a signal test meter? After my conversation with DTV today they said the SWM makes the set up much more difficult. Don't know if this is true or if the want to get more buck for additional setup.
Guys - Huge THANK YOU!! I'm in business. DTV should be paying you! Their Tech Support guy had me choose Satellite #18 a 5lnb (i think). He lost all credibility with me as soon as he said that. Long story short watching the Olympics in HD. Thanks Again.
Yes, the power inserter is necessary. Disconnect your H23 right now! Seriously! The power inserter provides 21 volts to run the lnb. Without it, the H23 tries to do it, but the power supply in the H23 can't do it. You might burn out the power supply if you leave it connected the way it is.

It's a bad idea BUT I seen an H23 run a SWM LNB at a camp ground for over 3 months this year without a single hiccup! It was actually kind of funny. But yeah, you need to add that power inserter if your LNB is a SWM LNB. Raoul is right, you can do some serious damage to a receiver this way

Your kidding right ?

The power supply runs 21v (or 29 depending on set up) to power the LNB, if the PS is not there the recvr sends out either 13 or 18 volts, if it requires 21, how is LESS going to hurt it ?
Your kidding right ?

The power supply runs 21v (or 29 depending on set up) to power the LNB, if the PS is not there the recvr sends out either 13 or 18 volts, if it requires 21, how is LESS going to hurt it ?

I could hurt the power supply in the receiver/dvr by trying to supply 21 volts when it can only do at best 18.
Guys - Huge THANK YOU!! I'm in business. DTV should be paying you! Their Tech Support guy had me choose Satellite #18 a 5lnb (i think). He lost all credibility with me as soon as he said that. Long story short watching the Olympics in HD. Thanks Again.

Yes, the power inserter is necessary. Disconnect your H23 right now! Seriously! The power inserter provides 21 volts to run the lnb. Without it, the H23 tries to do it, but the power supply in the H23 can't do it. You might burn out the power supply if you leave it connected the way it is.

I could hurt the power supply in the receiver/dvr by trying to supply 21 volts when it can only do at best 18.

If it can only supply 18, it CAN'T give it 21 .... period.
Now I could see if you put a PS on a Non PS set up.
If it can only supply 18, it CAN'T give it 21 .... period.
Now I could see if you put a PS on a Non PS set up.

That's my point Jimbo. The lnb is trying to draw more than the power supply can provide.
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