Yes, I'm a new DN customer and so far my not very happy... First of all I have the dual DVR receiver in two rooms and a dual receiver in two rooms... the tech guy didn't connect any of my devices up to the receivers so when I tried doing this I came across some problems and I'm usually pretty good at that kinda of stuff but this has really got to me... I've spent the last two days trying to connect my Magnavox VCR DVD Recorder combo with no luck I called the tech guys on the phone and he talked me through it and I'm sure it's connected right but nothing... I did get the one in the room2 to connect with a VCR with a RF converter with no problems... so I tried a RF converter with the combo (should not have too) and I did get where I could play the a tape and DVD and see a picture from the unit itself but there is no video from the sat. coming into the unit so I could record from the picture... ok this is how it is sit up remember dual rec. cable coming fromt the floor into the back of the sat rec. out of there into the combo out of the combo into the TV... ok I've got RCA plugs going from the output of the sat. into input of the Combo I should have picture but NOT...
Is there anything else I can do that I have not thought of?...
Is there anything else I can do that I have not thought of?...