Wally Notice?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Dec 30, 2018
Bella Vista, Arkansas
I have started to get this message every time I turn on my tv. Any idea what this is about? I hate calling a CSR. Everything appears to be working OK.


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I have severe hearing loss and hate talking on the phone. Especially if I get a CSR from another country or a soft speaking woman. I will try the chat method when I get back home.
Off topic, but I also have a hearing problem that makes phone calls difficult for me. My speech therapist recommend an app from InnoCaption for my Android phone. It gives inbound and outbound calls screen captioning that lets me read what the other party is saying. There's no charge for the translations under a government program that's part of the captioning program for landline phones you may have seen advertised on TV. The translations are normally done by AI, but with the press of a button, you can switch to a live translator. I've found the AI to be very accurate, and rarely need the live option. There's probably a similar app for iPhones.
Brittany did reach out to me and said this code deems a replacement receiver and to contact customer service. Customer service via chat said it is my wiring or connections and not the Wally. I contacted her back.
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Brittany did reach out to me and said this code deems a replacement receiver and to contact customer service. Customer service via chat said it is my wiring or connections and not the Wally. I contacted her back.
A new receiver is on the way thanks to Brittany!!!
I have been getting and ignoring this Hopper message for probably a year now. This thread prompted me to call it in, and I was told I needed to buy a new receiver, since mine was out of warranty. It still works, however. The CSR provided no clues as to what was wrong. For future readers of this thread, two tips FWIW:

1. EHDs on the low end of capacity (500M in my case) specs were problematic and eventually needed reformatting (3 or 4 in a row in my case). I'd recommend no less than 1T (I haven't had a problem in two years since I up-sized).

2. When siting a Dish playmaker antenna, if at first it doesn't find satellites, it never seems to find them, even if you've moved the antenna to what turns out to be a good location. In my many experiences, I've had to do a power plug reset/reboot between each attempt. It sounds time consuming (it is), but less so than giving up after hours of frustration, only to have it work the first time you power it up the next day :)
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Pressing the rewind button jumps waaaaaaaayy back