Wal Mart to Carry HD DVD Players and Movies

There are 3 Walmarts in MD that I know carries HD and BR. I just thought the comment from my local store was hilarious! :)

BTW, those 3 stores are atleast 45 minutes from my house. When I'm in the neighborhood, I stop by to see the pitiful selection Walmart has.

Best Buy has 2 BluRay standalone units on display on two different endcaps (the ends of their shelving) in the TV department on two small HD monitors, BUT they have a standalone HD DVD player on a 50" screen at the entrance to the Magnolia Home Theater dept. pushing that format with King Kong playing. They have an equal number of BluRay and HD DVD disks on the reverse side of their new release DVDs (one full width of shelves top to bottom of BluRay with one full width top to bottom of HD DVD). I bought two more HD DVDs yesterday, The Break Up and Lucky Number Slevin. Wouldv'e bought Clerks II but they were sold out. I haven't heard anything else about playback problems with the Weinstein discs so I figured I'd take a shot)
Wow, they still have RCA models!

Just visited the Glen Burnie MD Walmart, and they have a new HD/BR display in the middle of the walkway (where the 5.50 DVDs are). Good prices too, and awesome selection of maybe 30 titles each format! Almost got Black Snake Moan for $26, but I'll wait until I rent it first. :)

The Wally Worlds in my are, have no HDDVDs the have the 360 addon, and only 4 Bluray movie in the PS3 display case. I'll stick to Amazon and Exploit for HDDVDs
The Wally Worlds in my are, have no HDDVDs the have the 360 addon, and only 4 Bluray movie in the PS3 display case. I'll stick to Amazon and Exploit for HDDVDs
I have to agree. Walmart although having great prices carries very few titles of either format here in their B&M stores. Of course best buy has everything but it costs 5-7 dollars more than Walmart and Amazon
My local store no longer carries standalone HD-DVD players. They used to, but not any more. They have about 25 BD titles, 10 HD-DVD titles. They do have the PS3 in stock.
Oh yeah...Walmart's gonna make a huge difference. I was in there today. About 8 HD titles about 12 BD titles, a Sony BD-300 was glued to a stand in the DVD aisle shelf, and all the flat panels against the wall were tuned to Fox HD (720p) and they all looked like crap. Oh yeah....Walmart's gonna move alot of BD product
Oh yeah...Walmart's gonna make a huge difference. I was in there today. About 8 HD titles about 12 BD titles, a Sony BD-300 was glued to a stand in the DVD aisle shelf, and all the flat panels against the wall were tuned to Fox HD (720p) and they all looked like crap. Oh yeah....Walmart's gonna move alot of BD product

Holy Thread Resurrection! :D

I have to agree - I don't see how Walmart is supposed to have much of an influence in High Def. In Tucson, the Walmart in Midtowne (East Broadway) has a PS3 in a small glass display with 2-3 BD titles. The best one I've found is the WM Supercenter outside the city limits on the south side (West Valencia). The have a display with maybe a dozen or so each of the newer HD DVD & BD releases - but then it's a locked glass display and it always takes them 10 minutes to find the clerk with the key. I bought Apocalypto there for around $24, but they wanted $30 for Blades of Glory, so I passed. :(

By comparison, I've bought over 50 HD/BD titles online. :eureka
Oh yeah...Walmart's gonna make a huge difference. I was in there today. About 8 HD titles about 12 BD titles, a Sony BD-300 was glued to a stand in the DVD aisle shelf, and all the flat panels against the wall were tuned to Fox HD (720p) and they all looked like crap. Oh yeah....Walmart's gonna move alot of BD product

ahhhh ! But when the red team spoke about Wal Mart being great for hddvd
it was ok. But in another forum there is word that Wal Mart may go BLU RAY only ! The red ants there say no big deal also. Gotta make up your mind's. Is Wal Mart Good or Bad ?

My Wal Mart has around 30 PS 3 games and around 10 Blu Ray movies.

Oh and one hddvd ...lol
ahhhh ! But when the red team spoke about Wal Mart being great for hddvd
it was ok. But in another forum there is word that Wal Mart may go BLU RAY only ! The red ants there say no big deal also. Gotta make up your mind's. Is Wal Mart Good or Bad ?

My Wal Mart has around 30 PS 3 games and around 10 Blu Ray movies.

Oh and one hddvd ...lol

Actually, what I was saying in my initial post was that it doesn't matter whether Walmart carries HD or BD. They have very few titles,have no working HD/BD displays and their HDTVs are fed crap signals and look like crap. If I didn't know anything about HD TV or regular TV and saw those flat panels I'd say....I'm spending $900/$1000 for a picture that looks like it comes from rabbit ears?
Bottom line.,..HD or BD.....they will not be the one that moves the product out the door.The ONLY thing would be if they had the players there cheaper than other stores,knowledeagble folks like us will walk in and buy them without question
Wal mart is all over the place.

My local walmart has the new sony BD player, but also has a couple HD-DVD players. Earlier this year, they were almost exclusively HD-DVD movies, then they went almost completely BD. Now they are about 60/40 HD-DVD to BD, but they always have about 12-15 different titles in BD on the shelf and 15-20 HD-DVD.

Local Target is about the same movie wise, no players of either format. Target is crazy with their prices on the movies, but at least they pricematch walmart where prices never exceed $29 for the HD-DVD combo's, non-combo are usually $24-$26 and BD are ALWAYS $24 or $27
What does that add to the conversation gary? Do you believe that the Sony BD player is going to be better if you buy it somewhere else? Or the movies are gonna have better PQ? or is it just an anti-walmart stance?

Gary maybe I am reading your posts wrong lately, but you seem so jaded. I don't know how to say this and not have it sound bad in writing, but I am to the point that I cringe when I see you have posted. I am almost to the point you will be the first person I put on my ignore list.
WTF is everybody's concern with what a post "adds to the conversation". Wanna know what it adds? It adds my opinion that Wal-Mart is a bad place to buy consumer electronics. That's what it adds. (Just like it's a bad place to buy men's suits or fine jewelry.)

It's a valid opinion that some folks would agree with. MW390 seems to have a problem with Wal-Mart being any kind of gauge of consumer electronics trends. Do you have a problem with his post? It seems even more cynical than mine.

You wanna put me on your ignore list? Go ahead. I've never used it myself. I have the ability to ignore things using my own sensory apparatus. And, it leaves all posts available, just in case I want to complain about someone not adding something to the conversation. !sadroll
For clarification, read this as it is being typed, in a calm, conversational tone
I never said your opinion was not valid at all. I guess I just don't understand your posts lately. You seem to be attacking alot of things and people and get very defensive and almost angry when someone challenges you or disagrees with you.

This isn't the place to discuss it and it's really no big deal, I just have noticed lately your posts seem to have alot of discontent and aggression in them. Lately, your discussion with FatBastard on the Rirwin issue and your Wii post in the classifieds. You just seem different lately and I was just asking.
Ironically, I thought the other folks were being kinda negative. Weird.

Anyway, back on topic, I don't really think that Wal-Mart will have much sway in the format war. At least not right now.

Until the HW and SW comes down in price, the kind of people that purchase CE at WM really won't be interested.

The retailers to watch are the big box stores, CC, BB, and Costco, and, more importantly, Amazon and the major on-line retailers, as that is where the early adopters are making their purchases.

One of the BD fanboys keeps discounting the Amazon rankings. But, those are the real-world trends. Actual sales. I do not trust consumer magazines and/or trade publications that rely on advertising revenue.
Yes, in the classifieds thread, I sided with you completely if you read my post. Like I said, maybe I am just hitting all the wrong posts by you and I am reading things wrong.

As for wal-mart and the war, they are a bit player who will sell whatever they get ahold of. Evidenced by my observation of my local walmart going back and forth between majority of what they carry.