w/ 921 do I have to buy a new Switch and Dish Pro

OK, I'm guessing this is what you have:

--A Dish 500 with a legacy Twin LNBF (2 outputs; this LNBF does have internal switches);

--Another dish for the 61.5, with a legacy Dual LNBF (2 outputs, only one connected);

-- One of the Dish 500 outputs runs to the 4900, i.e., it doesn't see the 61.5 satellite;

-- The other Dish 500 output gets combined with the 61.5 output through a SW21, and goes to the 6000.

So now you want to add a 921, for a total of 4 tuners. The bad news is that you'll need to replace the LNBF on the Dish 500. If you didn't care about the 61.5, you could just get a lagacy Quad LNBF; no switches would be needed. In order to send the 61.5 to the 6000 and the 921, you'll need to replace the Dish 500 LNBF with 2 legacy Dual LNBF's, and replace the SW21 with a SW64. The 4 lines from the LNBF's on the Dish 500, and the two lines from the 61.5 dish, go to the 6 inputs on the SW64. The 4 outputs from the SW64 go to the 4900, the 6000, and the 2 inputs on the 921.
You'll still have 3 tuners going to the Dish 500, so you'll still need a new LNBF.

Yoiu can do what I suggested above. Or, you can get away with not needing the SW64. You can get a legacy Quad LNBF for the Dish 500, and another SW21.

One of the Legacy Quad LNBF outputs goes to the 4900. For each of the 921 inputs, you connect an output of the Legacy Quad LNBF to input #1 of a SW21, and an output of the 61.5 LNBF to input #2 of the siwtch. The output of the switch goes to the input of the 921.

One of the outputs on the legacy Quad LNBF is left unconnected.
metallicafreak said:
If I got the sw64, would I still need to replace the LNBF?

Yes. If you have a legacy twin LNBF, you will need to replace it with two legacy dual LNBFs if you plan to use an SW64. You could also replace the legacy twin with one legacy quad LNBF, and use that with an SW64. However, a legacy quad with the SW64 would cost more, and not provide any additional benefit in your case.

If you do indeed have a legacy twin, and want the 4700 and 921 to see all three sats, you may want to consider upgrading to dish pro instead of obtaining two legacy dual LNBFs and an SW64. Do not forget the legacy adapter for the 4700.

You can check what LNBF you have by going into the point dish screen in the install menu on both your receivers. i.e. Press "menu", followed by 6, 1, 1. And select the "check switch" option. You should see what swtich/LNBF config you have.
Yes, you can't get around upgrading the LNBF.

--You can upgrade to 2 legacy duals + SW64, if you want 61.5 on all 3 tuners. Note this will also support the 6000.

--You can upgrade to a legacy quad and 1 additional SW21, if you only need 61.5 on the 921.

The legacy quad + a SW21 may be cheaper than 2 duals + a SW64. Although I'd be inclined to go with the first solution as it supported 61.5 to all tuners, and supports 4 tuners.

You can swap everything out to DishPro LNBFs and switches, but I didn't bring it up since it would complicate the number of choices even further, and would require a replacement of the 61.5 LNBF also. The 4900 and the 6000 would require $70 DishPro adapters.

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