A few observations regarding HDNet and VooM...
I maintain a lifeline cable subscription because I have broadband internet, it's cheap, and six (6) digital locals are being passed unencrypted. Anyway, I noticed the local WB station disappeared last week and HDNet appeared last night in its place.

It would be nice if this were a freebie, but I get the feeling it will be encrypted in the near future. This is the first time I have seen the famed HDNet, but I have become very familiar with VooM over the past few months. Here are a few of my brief observations:
1. PQ was outstanding on some of the HDNet broadcasts - outstanding=10. IMO VooM's HD Exclusives (HDNets, Barker, Rush, Rave, Ultra, Auction, Gallery) offer excellent PQ (average 8.5) with most of their programming being anywhere between 7-9.5. Of course, not all programs on HDNet were a 10...in fact, I found the WorldSports Soccer coverage to be of higher PQ, better/more exciting soccer, and better camera work than MLS. PQ for MLS and a basketball game I saw was 6 and 7 respectively. IMO there is not too much difference between VooMs better HD channels and HDNet, but there is a difference.
2. PQ for the other HD Exclusives (Monsters, Equator, Cinema10, Animania, MooV) is all over the place, from 3 to 9 (average 6.0), largely depending on source material and available bandwidth. I rarely experience the WOW Factor while watching these channels. There is noticeable difference between these channels and HDNet.
3. HDNet content was pale in comparison to the vast amount found on the VooM HD channels. Ok, the bikini babes were unbelievable, but I found myself flipping back to VooM most of the time. I'm not a big soccer fan, but I certainly prefer the soccer being offered on WorldSports than MLS. Additionally, the Junior Internation Basketball Championship was a real snoozer. Plus, similar programming and much, much more can be found on the VOOM Exclusives or HD Marquee channels. Also, I don't care for NASCAR, but the boxing would be sweet!
4. HDNet PQ was great, but a lot of it
was not WOW FACTOR material. Also, the content was nice, but come on...how can this possibly compare to all the VooM Exclusives? I certainly want VooM to provide the very best picture, but I like Cinema10 (crappy old movies and all) and I am generally happy with with the overall PQ being offered by VooM at this time.
These are just my opinions and everyone is entitled to disagree. Also, I am expecting both the PQ and content quality to increase over time. Oh, VooM did a great job with the Williams-Tyson fight.
*Found INHD1 and INHD2 in the clear on cable a few hours ago. The Song Remains the Same was playing on INHD1 and the PQ was much better than when I saw it on Cinema10. A recorded concert played a short while later and it looked no better or worse than Rave - excellent PQ. There were several new movie trailers playing on INHD2 followed by some sort of NASA show - the PQ was outstanding and just as good as HDNet and some of the better VooM material (like the fight last night). To the best of my knowledge, the local Cable Co. is now offering 14 HD channels, 6 of which are network digitals...and offer firewire on their STBs. I sure hope VooM has a plan to add the INHDs and HDNets later this fall.