Voom Will Survive If:

voom Can be #1

Voom should have national NBC, ABC, CBS feeds in HD which neither Dish or Echostar have

Voom should have the latest movies in PPV in HD

Voom should have at least several International Channlels, especially Indian which dish has over 200,000 Indian subscribers. How about an upconvert HD Indian Channel like B4U or ZTv with movies in HD upconvert. There are over 2 million Indians in the United States.

More HD Porn. Unfortunately or Fortunately sex sells. Voom should have a greater diversity of HD porn. Playboy sucks. How about a Hustler HD, or Adam and Eve HD, Spice HD. Poeple will pay top dollar for HD porn, more $ for voom.

Voom should try an up bandwitdth especially on stellar channels like Equator so that it is eye catching and can attract more subscibers. The Wow factor is main reason people get HD. Certain channels with Pic quality like HD net would really help vcoom.

With over 50 million HD sets goint to be sold in next 4 years, all voom has to do is hang in there not get bankrupt , SURViVE, and they can get their fair share of subscribers, and i can see voom having 3-4 million subscribers.

Check out the D* forum and the rumors thread.

They are talking 10 more HD channels, new boxes, and interactive. I am reasonably sure the new box portion is true, maybe not 10 but a few more HD channels, but the interactive stuff really interests me.

They have some demo video's of how it works. The example I saw was while watching a Formula 1 race you could pick between 9 different feeds, so you can watch what you want to watch while leaving the audio commentary on. That right there and I would switch.

This all seems to come from a new sat going up and a totally new box that is "owned" by D*.

May be true, may not be true, but if it is, Voom and E* I think will have some trouble.
Rumor Central has it that ol' Rupert wants every single D* box to be a PVR, probably so he can forcefeed all the D* subscribers advertising.
What rumors?
DirecTV and Dish had tons of rumors and they are still stuck with very few HD channels and they will be for a long time.
Rumors are going around...but you could put money on it that DTV will add local ch's in the top markets around the US by the end of the year. I dont think it will kill VOOM....I sub to both...but I tell you without DTV I wouldnt be looking foward to watching NBCDT. I tried land tried , but I cant pull in NBCDT. Now I lost ABCDT because they are working on their ANt. DTV also has mentioned two other unnamed HD ch's that they will add by the end of this year.
kfried001 said:
The real reason we don't have HDnet and HDnews was because Mark Cuban wanted VOOM to include them in the basic package in both the short and long term and not charge an extra fee for the channels. HBO said if HDmovies is in the basic package then we want to be in the basic package as well. Mark was being very unreasonable at the bargaining table. It has nothing to do with bandwidth or not being Chucky not wanting the package for Cablelvision. Mark Cuban is a very egotistical and arrogant individual IMHO. When he responds back to emails and says that HDnet/Movies will "NEVER" be on VOOM, that makes me seem to think he is unprofessional and immature. Never is a long time.
Show me the email that uses the word "never". Cubans own people deny that.
andrzej said:
What rumor? That D* will add NBC HD (subject to tons of eligibility rules, of course). Oh yea, that's a real killer of Voom.
Thats my whole problem with future D* HD offering rumors. I havent seen rumors of anything I could actually recieve.

FOXHD? sorry, not in an O&O and im within the grade B contour, Cant get it. Already have it OTA

NBCHD? sorry, not in an O&O and im within the grade B contour, Cant get it. Already have it OTA

CBSHD? sorry, not in an O&O and im within the grade B contour, Cant get it. Already have it OTA (I know D* already offers this)

ABCHD? sorry, not in an O&O and im within the grade B contour, Cant get it. Already have it OTA

Sunday ticket HD channels? Last time I checked those were only on on sunday from 1-8pm for a hefty price too i might add.
Cuban email me back saying that HDNet on Voom was "not likely" to happen. I take that at Voom's current situation, and his lack of needing 35,000+ more people watching his channel at the moment that its nothing I should be looking forward to. Money and viewers count in broadcasting so "not likely" doesn't mean forever it means once Cuban's needs are met he'll cave in.
Forget HDNet if Cuban doesn't want to play where's INHD? That's run by Cablevision? Why can't they take that bad boy and throw it on Voom?
I searched my ass off and came up with these posts at AVSForum:

Posted by vurbano at AVSForum:
I found the thread "HDnet not to appear on voom"

it went something like this:

Re: HDNet Not to Appear on VOOM

Originally posted by SonyHD
I had emailed Mark Cuban directly and had asked him if HDNet would be carried on Voom anytime soon. He basically said that HDNet would NOT appear on Voom at all.

That does not say "never", thats good news!. but I also recall an interview with him.

Posted by KENH at AVSForum:
Re: HDNet Not to Appear on VOOM

quote:Originally posted by SonyHD
I had emailed Mark Cuban directly and had asked him if HDNet would be carried on Voom anytime soon. He basically said that HDNet would NOT appear on Voom at all.

This is correct.

Posted by me at AVSForum:
The following dialogue between a Moderator and Mark Cuban was from a post at Satellite Guys; HDNET does not bode well for VOOM:

Here is a chain of e-mails from me to Marc Cuban at HDNET (or who ever answers his listed e-mail address)

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 4:36pm, Sean wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Any time frame/thoughts on adding your channels to Voom?
>> Thanks,
>> Sean
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark cuban [mailto:mark.cuban@dallasmavs.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:22 PM
> To: Sean
> Subject: Re:
> Not going to happen, we like our current partners. Our programming is
> expanding rapidly, and we like the support our current partners are
> giving us

>On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 5:51pm, Sean wrote:
> So it looks to me like negotiations with voom have broken down.
> Perhaps the issue has to do more with "support". I suppose if Voom was to throw
> in a little more on the "support" side of things then a deal may become
> reasonable. Am I Wrong?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark cuban [mailto:mark.cuban@dallasmavs.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:53 PM
To: Sean
Subject: RE:

You are wrong. At this time we don't want to be on voom, we would rather
support and work w our existing partners
Voom should have at least what is on Cablevision.

I guess since I also have DTV I'm not too worried if Voom doesn't get HDnet. But the best HD should be on Voom as they always advertise that they have the best HD.

Hey Voom! put your HD where your mouth is! Or something like that. Plus of course- more skanky porn in HD, yeah... that'll be ticket.
"support" = Money

DTV, Cable, Dish have more customers can give Cuban more money, also can give him the b/w he wants (although Dish is now skanking that away from HDnet it seems).

Screw him. Work on adding rival content onto the Voom exclusives, which really IMO would mean adding a few shows like mud wrestling and wet T-shirt contests to Rush HD? Bring in INHD for the sports. Keep updating Cinema10 to include more movies.
Please don't give the guy ideas... he'd be the next Voom guide guy, and there would be a Dallas mavericks channel.
Dvlos said:
Please don't give the guy ideas... he'd be the next Voom guide guy, and there would be a Dallas mavericks channel.
Great idea, HDNET has a show called "Off Court, On Fire", it's the making of the Dallas Mavericks 2003 Cheerleader Calendar! GO Girls. :p
Why do people think its just Mr.Cuban's fault HDNet is not on Voom,maybe its Dolen's fault,maybe Voom did not what to pay what D* and E* pay for HDNet and HDMovies,maybe its Voom's low bandwidth that affects the picture,maybe he ran over Mr.Cuban's puppy we just don't know.
jimboeau said:
One year from now voom will be hurting for new subs. They will try another free install campaign as their final attempt to become viable.
Two years from now they will not be around. They space will have been bought up by E* or D*

What a lame prediction..... :)

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