VOOM Satellite Service to Dramatically Increase to Over 70 HD channels by March 2005

tdillon said:
... today (Rainbow Media) filed with the Federal Communications Commission a recently completed contract with Lockheed Martin under which the aerospace company will construct five Ka-band satellites for VOOM. These high power satellites, the first of which is to be completed and launched in approximately 34 months, will enable VOOM to increase its channel capacity to more than 5,000 high definition channels when operating in spot beam mode.
5 new satellites and 5000 HD channels! NOW WE ARE TALKING! :cool:
Hurrah for all us Voomers

Hurrah for all us voomers who take crap everyday from D* and E* subscribers about our demise. I never lost faith, voom is the best, always will be . 70 HD channels in 90 days , my god how will i have a life. I can't wait. We all deserve this for our patience. Those churners most be rocking in their contracts with D* and wishing they hadn't left. Us 27,000 or so subscribers who have been persevering with voom for the last year , or most of it, really needed this. 70 channeles, DVR, Pay per view HD, my God is this the good life or what. Even Voom picture quality has really improved in the last month.
70 HD channels and 200 SD channels in March

I just reread the bulletin,200 SD channels added simultaneously. I hope i finally get G4 Tech TV. Imagine 200 SD channels , it will beat Dish's Americas top 150, we could be getting every conceivable SD channel the competitors get, I am thrilled to death.

Voom we love you
Mr Dolan thanks for keeping our faith in you.
PS Please Deliver in March
The existing customers need to be upgraded to the new ellipitcal dish to receive rainbow 1 & 2. Anyone know when this is going to happen for us. I think this would be the next step to getting more channels.
TheTimm said:
Sounds great, but but I'm gonna hold off on crapping myself with excitement until it actually happens.

True! Looks like they took a page right out of the Directv playbook. Tell customers what they want to hear today on hopes they will be here tomorrow. I just hope they are not empty promises. However, I have to say I'm not going anywhere unless Voom turns the lights off.

I've had VOOM for a couple weeks here in Rancho Cucamonga, Kalifornia and so far the HD PQ is stupendous and the customer support over the phone has been excellent. My local channel reception is a joke, tho that was expected as I'm up against the National Forest boundary and don't have a clear shot at Mt. Wilson's transmitters.

The HD channel expansion announcement is terrific news indeed. It will help keep and attract new customers. It will very likely come to pass, either with help from Echostar or another funding source. HD is the future and VOOM's management team knows this and has the correct attitude and chutzpah to match. They will "make" things happens one way or another.

I suspect that the new DVR unit will ship in the spring as the roll out of new channels begins -- perhaps a handful of channels at a time -- and I suspect we'll see HD feeds for ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS, PBS, etc. as part of the rollout.

If they roll out MOOV2 thru MOOV20, tho, I'm committing suicide!
I reluctantly don't put much faith in V* anymore, but if this proves to pan out in March I would definitely sign back on. Of course this scenario will only take place if a DVR is out or version 2 of the STB is released. I put up with the present STB before switching back to D*, but will never subject anyone to that POS Motorola ever again.

Seriously. Good luck V*!!!!!
Part of those 200 SD channels will probaby be taken up by PPV, and game packages, like on most other networks.
All of this "pie-in-the-sky" sounds great, but------IMHO. no single stationary dish can pick up multiple sats spread from 69 deg all the way over to 129 deg.
Sounds great,really a dream come thru,BUT and this is a big BUT.look at the timing march..now most HD sales are sold between thanksgiving and the Super bowl.i would think Voom has to increase their baseX5 or 10 for them to roll this out..Last shot coming up,so anyone you know, show them Voom and help with sales or this may not come to pass
Mr. Biggles said:
I reluctantly don't put much faith in V* anymore, but if this proves to pan out in March I would definitely sign back on. Of course this scenario will only take place if a DVR is out or version 2 of the STB is released. I put up with the present STB before switching back to D*, but will never subject anyone to that POS Motorola ever again.

Seriously. Good luck V*!!!!!

TROLL!!! No - just kidding Mr. B. We'll look forward to having your Avatar back. I've never had problems with the Motorola but I guess I was lucky. I thought they were all going to be replaced by the DVR that's "coming out in two weeks", yet didn't Dolan mention that these are prefitted for MPEG 4. Why have them MPEG 4 ready if they are all going to be replaced by the DVR??? Hmm...
slick1ru2 said:
That's why I left Voom. I don't care if they have 700 HD channels. The ability of watching what I want, when I can, is priceless.

That would be indeed priceless slick1ru2. Unless you don't want much, where do you get what you want?
Great news, but....

This is awesome but I would have much rathered them release this info the day before it rolls out or the day of, so that we don't have to sit here for 4 months wondering if it's really going to happen. I hate this empty, waiting, hoping, wishing feeling. Like we all are feeling right now with the DVR.

To be honest I think Voom caught wind to the fact that they were going to loose about 30% of their subscribers after the Super Bowl with no football and the price going up so they had to come up with something to keep everyone here. IMHO.

Not complaining, again this is awesome news. I'm not getting too excited about it though.
As Mr Wolf says, let's not start sucking each other's **** yet! If Voom had followed through on their plans/promises, right now, we'd be vooming with Inhd1/2, DVR, big dish, mpeg4/wm9, NFLHD... MAYBE in Mar05 they'll have the capacity, but whether they can actually fill it with something beside PPV10 and Cinema20 is another matter.

Funny, DTV announces similar things a couple of months ago and everyone is sayind, "Voom is dead! DTV rules!" When Voom announces these things people are like, "Well, it SOUNDS good but let's see if they do it..." Interesting...

Can't really say DTV follows through with everything as they've announced a LOT of things in the past which either took a long time or has never happened. Voom hasn't really announced they'd be doing something which won't happen (for the most part). We're all unhappy about a lack of a dvr but I want a WORKING dvr, not a bug-riddles piece of garbage. It seems to me if it were so easy to make a dvr there'd be more available. So I can't fault Voom too much on that one.

Ok, bigger dishes and another satellite. Well, I'd have to go back and read the, "official," announcements but I don't know that Voom said they'd have that all working by a certain time. I could be wrong on this one though. If so, I stand corrected.

What about mroe channels? Well, we've been getting more trickling into my pg. I don't believe Voom ever pledged to any specific channels though.

All in all, this is great news. I'd begun to lose faith in Voom but couldn't bring myself to go back to DTV (exclusively) since I just hate them (just want Sunday Ticket). So I've been looking for something positive. This is certainly positive.

With that said, however, Voom now had better come up with the stuff they're now, "officially," pushing. Otherwise they'll lose ALL credibility in the satellite industry. I hope just some of what they announced comes true--in a timely fashion. I also want a dvr...

The Rickster
barth2k said:
How about coughing up the dough to get hdnet and inhd?
Yeah, then I could justify the $10/month price increase and drop Dish. :D

You know, I don't give a Rat's Arse how many channels they add, if they don't give every channel more bandwidth, what's it matter? If all the HD is going to look like it does presently, who cares? :no Yesterday, DiscoveryHD looked fantastic, I hope every single channel looks this good soon. :yes

Anyone watching the Presidential Inauguration?

Can someone clear this up for me?

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