Voom Sale Leaves Customers Cold

Speaking as someone who conducted a 10 minute telephone interview for the article in question, I can honestly say that none of my well-articulated comments and views were conveyed by Mr. Donohue. I am inclined to believe the author has selectively included and omitted information to support his agenda.

IMO, this article is a real stinker! Perhaps this is why Mr. Donohue writes for a 3rd rate publication.
kfried001 said:
My cable company offeres and nice HD PVR, Inhd1 and Inhd which are both great channels, all the locals in HD, Univeral HD, ESPN HD, Discover HD, HBO HD, Show HD, Starz HD and have just said they will be adding Cinemax HD.
My guess is that an "offering" like this wouldn't interest me at all. I'm guessing that none of this comes with a basic programming subscription and that the HD Package only includes UHD, ESPNHD, Discovery HD, the InHD's, and the locals. I get my locals with or without a provider, so I don't count those. And I'm not willing to pay for the HBO pack to get HBO-HD, the Showtime pack to get SHO-HD, etc. So as far as it would apply to me, this cable company would be offering 5 HD channels. That leaves me less than thrilled, especially considering it would probably cost as much -- if not more -- than I'm paying now.

Basically, as an HD customer I am not for sale. Before Voom came along no company had an offer good enough to tempt me. I expect that if Voom goes away, I will return to good ol' OTA and DVD's regardless of whether or not someone "buys" me.

As far as the article goes, it's not exactly an in-depth study -- but it's good to see someone pointing out that we're being ignored, and not treated very well.
Davey Roa said:
if anything, I think the article points out how crappy Voom is treating us. They should least notify us of what are options are going to be. At minimum, they should make arrangements with Dish or Directv to transfer our service.

Well, call Voom and ask what's going on. They'll tell you it's business as usual, they are doing new installs, advertising, etc.. You choose not to believe them. The bottom line is that they know just as much, if not more than the schmuck who wrote the article with the misleading headline. It is also likely that the options are still wide open. For god's sake, lets just enjoy Voom and forget the little blogs trying to create a headline out of thin air and grab their 15 minutes fame.
Hmmmm, we seem to be pricing ourselves as if someone had asked us. Normally subscribers or constituents are a big part of a deal like this but I have heard nothing about that. However, trading in a 40 HD channel service for one which offers only 9 or 10 Hd channels at the most is something I wouldn't do. Maybe Dish has written off the 26,000 subscribers because it measures its subscribers in the millions. I think that if Dish or DirecTv were interested in more HD channels they have had time to secure them.....the 4 additional premium Hd movie channels for instance? (MAX,STARZ,ENCORE,TMC)
The Stone Man said:
As Voom customers, that means we are worth anywhere from around $1100 to slightly more than $1500 per subscriber. If E* was thinking about buying the customers, they could probably get at least half of the current subscriber list by doing nothing and paying nothing. If you were Charles Ergen, what would you do?

a. Spend up to 40 million dollars to get 26,000 subscribers
b. Spend 0 dollars to get 13,000 subscribers

Pretty simple decision if you ask me.

Pretty simple it has nothing to do with the reality if you ask anybody.
Your option A) has been explained by Ilya already, option B) doesn't make any sense whatsoever - why would I or every odd Voom subscriber go to Dish after Voom?
Dish has pretty sux channel lienup, especially for me, a rabid Voom WorldCinema, FilmFest etc HD channel fan.
Dish has NOTHING to offer me as of now. Closes would be probably Cablevision iO TV but that's available in my whole Zip except my avenue, grrr. :mad:

So I can go back to DrecTV or buy Time Warner NYC cable or go to Dish.
All of them is a POS compared to Voom when it comes to HD.

Dish is actually the worst choice I could pick: its HD lineup even worst than TWCNYC which is famously sux compared to Cablevision.
Non-cable areas: DirecTV is still better than Dish.

I don't see any reason why would ANYbody go to Dish crappiest HD offering after having Voom.
T2k said:
Pretty simple it has nothing to do with the reality if you ask anybody.
Your option A) has been explained by Ilya already, option B) doesn't make any sense whatsoever - why would I or every odd Voom subscriber go to Dish after Voom?
Dish has pretty sux channel lienup, especially for me, a rabid Voom WorldCinema, FilmFest etc HD channel fan.
Dish has NOTHING to offer me as of now. Closes would be probably Cablevision iO TV but that's available in my whole Zip except my avenue, grrr. :mad:

So I can go back to DrecTV or buy Time Warner NYC cable or go to Dish.
All of them is a POS compared to Voom when it comes to HD.

Dish is actually the worst choice I could pick: its HD lineup even worst than TWCNYC which is famously sux compared to Cablevision.
Non-cable areas: DirecTV is still better than Dish.

I don't see any reason why would ANYbody go to Dish crappiest HD offering after having Voom.

Why do you think E* is worse then D* as far as HD goes, I know it is not Voom but you made the point of E* vs. D*.(DirecTV is still better than Dish.

The only thing D* has is Universal, but E* has TNT,
the only other thing D* has is the networks which most people cannot get, the only other thing D* has is that they downconvert everything to 1280 x 1080i and a bit rate under 10 for HBO, Showtime and HD Movies while E* does not do that.
TheTimm said:
My guess is that an "offering" like this wouldn't interest me at all. I'm guessing that none of this comes with a basic programming subscription and that the HD Package only includes UHD, ESPNHD, Discovery HD, the InHD's, and the locals. I get my locals with or without a provider, so I don't count those. And I'm not willing to pay for the HBO pack to get HBO-HD, the Showtime pack to get SHO-HD, etc. So as far as it would apply to me, this cable company would be offering 5 HD channels. That leaves me less than thrilled, especially considering it would probably cost as much -- if not more -- than I'm paying now.

Basically, as an HD customer I am not for sale. Before Voom came along no company had an offer good enough to tempt me. I expect that if Voom goes away, I will return to good ol' OTA and DVD's regardless of whether or not someone "buys" me.

As far as the article goes, it's not exactly an in-depth study -- but it's good to see someone pointing out that we're being ignored, and not treated very well.

Actually, the picture is very good and you get all of the multi-premium channels, HBO, StarZ, Cinemax and Showtime for $25.00. They do not charge anything for the HD pack other than the rental of the box which is 10.00 or 15.00 for the HD PVR. You get 300+ channels for about 95.00 for 2 hd boxes (1 hd pvr) and 2 regular digital boxes. You pay $40.00 for broadband when you subscribe to cable and get $15.00 off your cable when you subscribe to their phone service. It isn't VOOM, but the picture is much better than D* or E*. I have D* for NFL ticket, The Outdoor Channel and HDNet and HDmovies.
If E* does offer Equator, the VOOM movie channels including Monsters (They can dump Divine and maybe combine some others) and adds Starz, Cinemax, TMC, UHD and Encore they will blow D* away. They already have multi-tuner PVR's and don't charge for additional receivers because you can hook two tv to one PVR. This would compensate for their lousy SD picture quality, which my cable company beats hands down.
Voom Paid Programing On Wsvn Chanel 7 Miami For An Hour :)
Good Sign? :d

Really nice VOOM commercial on ESPN. Never saw this one before...'You know you want it so get it while it is just $1'. I would think there could be some legal action taken against them if people are purchasing the receivers instead of leasing them, without informing them of what is going on. Something just doesn't sit right with me about this whole transaction. E* must be planning on carrying the channels. Am I wrong here?
kfried001 said:
Actually, the picture is very good and you get all of the multi-premium channels, HBO, StarZ, Cinemax and Showtime for $25.00. They do not charge anything for the HD pack other than the rental of the box which is 10.00 or 15.00 for the HD PVR. You get 300+ channels for about 95.00 for 2 hd boxes (1 hd pvr) and 2 regular digital boxes. You pay $40.00 for broadband when you subscribe to cable and get $15.00 off your cable when you subscribe to their phone service. It isn't VOOM, but the picture is much better than D* or E*. I have D* for NFL ticket, The Outdoor Channel and HDNet and HDmovies.
Yup. Thanks for clarifying. My guess was right -- an offer like that doesn't interest me at all. I want twenty or so HD channels (locals don't count -- I get those for free) for about fifty bucks a month, along with a decent selection of SD channels. I won't be paying a hundred bucks a month for tv unless I'm gonna be getting every channel ever created -- and in HD. Of course, at that point I would never leave the house again. :D
kfried001 said:
Actually, the picture is very good .... It isn't VOOM, but the picture is much better than D* or E*.

kfried001 for the people out there with a TV bigger than 40 inches, cable is not an option. You think Voom, Dish, and DirecTV SD channels look bad. Wait until you see what SD channels like Comedy Central and Sci Fi look like on Cable. It's like looking at an old beat up VHS tape. Embarrassing when you have people over and they ask what is wrong with your TV. The digital channels look OK, HD looks good but SD kills it. IMO
dnyce said:
kfried001 for the people out there with a TV bigger than 40 inches, cable is not an option. You think Voom, Dish, and DirecTV SD channels look bad. Wait until you see what SD channels like Comedy Central and Sci Fi look like on Cable. It's like looking at an old beat up VHS tape. Embarrassing when you have people over and they ask what is wrong with your TV. The digital channels look OK, HD looks good but SD kills it. IMO

You are right about SD analog cable-yech-but Comcast in my area(Detroit-Ann Arbor, Mi) just started putting the analog channels in the Digital Spectrum and they do look better then before ( not saying it is much better ), and looks the same to looks a little better then E*'s SD channels ( my Mother and Step-Father have Comcast and E* so it was easy to compare when I was over there ).

When this is done, Comcast says they will then have more room and add more HD and such. ( I think it is kind of redundant for them to say that, because all of them -DBS and Cable-will have to offer more HD sooner or later )
dnyce said:
kfried001 for the people out there with a TV bigger than 40 inches, cable is not an option. You think Voom, Dish, and DirecTV SD channels look bad. Wait until you see what SD channels like Comedy Central and Sci Fi look like on Cable. It's like looking at an old beat up VHS tape. Embarrassing when you have people over and they ask what is wrong with your TV. The digital channels look OK, HD looks good but SD kills it. IMO

Sorry, I only have a 47" Panny and a 51" Hitachi, but your right, I must not be seeing a good HD picture ;-) I am not saying cable is better than VOOM, but it is better than D* an E* IMHO. Inhd1 & 2 are every bit as good as any channel on VOOM. But again IMHO because I don't have anything larger than 51".

TheTimm said:
My guess is that an "offering" like this wouldn't interest me at all. I'm guessing that none of this comes with a basic programming subscription and that the HD Package only includes UHD, ESPNHD, Discovery HD, the InHD's, and the locals. I get my locals with or without a provider, so I don't count those. And I'm not willing to pay for the HBO pack to get HBO-HD, the Showtime pack to get SHO-HD, etc. So as far as it would apply to me, this cable company would be offering 5 HD channels. That leaves me less than thrilled, especially considering it would probably cost as much -- if not more -- than I'm paying now.

Basically, as an HD customer I am not for sale. Before Voom came along no company had an offer good enough to tempt me. I expect that if Voom goes away, I will return to good ol' OTA and DVD's regardless of whether or not someone "buys" me.

As far as the article goes, it's not exactly an in-depth study -- but it's good to see someone pointing out that we're being ignored, and not treated very well.

I only meant I will do this in a worse case senario. I am too used to a ton of HD channels with VOOM, but if VOOM goes dark, what is the option for a family with 3 kids each with their own tv and 2 HD sets, one in the den and one in the master bedroom.
kfried001 said:
I don't understand why you said all Dish has to do is offer the premiums and that would blow everything else out there away. My cable company offeres and nice HD PVR, Inhd1 and Inhd which are both great channels, all the locals in HD, Univeral HD, ESPN HD, Discover HD, HBO HD, Show HD, Starz HD and have just said they will be adding Cinemax HD. So as far as the premiums, the only ones I think they will be missing is TMC-HD and EncoreHD. I really Like Guy TV, Monsters, Kung FU and Family. Inhd1 & 2 have far better and full version musical concerts that Rave. Rush could have been good if they added more variety like Atv racing, Jet Ski Racing etc... If Voom goes under, I lost the cost of 4 receivers. I was always told they would not go under because they were part of Cablevision. Should never listen to a CSR.

So if Dish trys buying me they would have to add at a minimum, the premiums, monsters, kung fu, guy tv and family in addition.

Your cable company isnt available nationwide

I have a 106 inch drapprey screen and i am using a Infocus 4805 projector the picture quality is better then Cable,Dish and DirecTV i would cry if voom goes dark there is no other option i would watch local Tv and watch DVD's on my projector.

Is there a HD DVD player out there that plays HD DVD that would be awesome i would easily get a HD DVD player but do they make them yet. :D

If you're looking to watch DVD's in 1080i there are machines out there. I have a Toshiba-5970 that I picked up on an open box special at BB for $119. It may not be the best that's available but it did come with an HDMI output (Only way to see it in 1080i) and an HDMI cable. I have a 60" SONY KDF60-WF655 and ther clearly was an improvement over my progressive scan SONY. I haven't seen any HD DVD's in the store yet. I'm hearing they'll be out by Christmas and the players will run about $500.
Except SonicRob's projector is not HD, it is only 854 x 480 (16:9) resolution, a upconverted DVD player won't do him much good, unlike how a HD signal downconverted to his projectors resolution looks pretty darn good.
Very True

I think i need a 1080i DLP Projector i believe those are true HD but i am very happy with my Infocus 4805 the picture quality is awesome. :D

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