VOOM Rules!!!

If Voom Doesn't currently have the best PQ on the market who does?? LOL! I have tried Adelphia, and Direct, and both looked like crap on my t.v. Even with voom having minor issues with its PQ it stills blows the competitors away. Yea i haven't tried Dish on my TV, but i am sure its not any better than direct. Can't wait till Voom goes to WM9 than they will really start their "shock and awe campaign!" hehe....
SpringsGuy said:
If Voom Doesn't currently have the best PQ on the market who does?? LOL! I have tried Adelphia, and Direct, and both looked like crap on my t.v. Even with voom having minor issues with its PQ it stills blows the competitors away. Yea i haven't tried Dish on my TV, but i am sure its not any better than direct. Can't wait till Voom goes to WM9 than they will really start their "shock and awe campaign!" hehe....
Darrel????? would you like to address this? With a Nine foot screen you can see the defects the most.
Dvlos, you need to brush up on your ciphering...Does anyone else offer near as much HD content? Seriously, your points are well taken, but VOOM still offers their original content, which is really their claim to fame.
vurbano said:
O really? who else offers 39-5 = 34 channels of HD?

Isn't it at the moment 36? WHen they originally said 39? You take 31 HD channels you still have the "most" but you are not at where you originally told people. YOu will raise a whole other group of people who will complain about their LESS HD. I just hope they can secure a deal with Cablevision and offer InHD1/2, WM9, and get these damn dishes upgraded by early next year.
On a 9 foot screen anything you watch would probably be just average... Honestly who right now offers better PQ than vooms lineup? For people that own HDTV's their is only 1 choice and that is VOOM anything else is just flat out unacceptable!
SpringsGuy said:
If Voom Doesn't currently have the best PQ on the market who does?? LOL! I have tried Adelphia, and Direct, and both looked like crap on my t.v. Even with voom having minor issues with its PQ it stills blows the competitors away. Yea i haven't tried Dish on my TV, but i am sure its not any better than direct. Can't wait till Voom goes to WM9 than they will really start their "shock and awe campaign!" hehe....

Look you don't need other providers to KNOW what HD should look like. Compare Voom channels with OTA stations that transmit at 19.xx mbps like CBS, my ABC local is split now but even at 15mbps it looks freaking amazing. I don't care what the exact mbps it takes in WM9 or whatever but I do not want:

- Mosquito Noise

- Macroblocking/Pixelation during action sequences or fast cuts

Those are my problem priorities in their exact order of importance I want eliminated. Mosquito noise has improved across the board but it's still there. Macroblocking/Pixelation occurs (forget the Olympics that's NBC's problem) most often during movies on the Premium channel but that's mainly because other HD channels like Gallery, Auction, DiscoveryHD don't usually feature fast paced moving images.

If you've had access to channels like HDNet you have to admit their PQ is better. While everyone else is trying to trim down b/w of HD, Voom needs to pick it up and maintain it at a high standard. Networks also need to find a better way to recoup HDTV production costs instead of taking away pieces of quality from the transmission and calling it even.
Dvlos what kind of TV do you have? Mosquito Noise? What channels are you getting this noise on lol... My sound is fine other than some sound drops once and a while on a random movie channel. And after the new update my pixelation is almost completely eliminated on SD channels and none on HD channels.. Maybe its your setup or wiring? To me its night and day.. Knock Voom all you want, they are the best HDTV provider on the market period! And yes i have watched InHd1-2 when i had adelphia's hdtv pack, it was nice but just as nice as Hd News, and Rave in Concert or any of Vooms HD channels...
Actually maybe you should post up your equipment as well?

I am watching VaVaVoom via DVI (for sharpness) although I also use the component connection, on a Phillips 65" RPTV. I've had all my coax cables reset, I occassionally get a frame drop but overall this last firmware is pretty solid. So that I am understood here on this forum "mosquito noise" refers to the twinkling, shimmering, or sparkling effect that takes place on background objects, sometimes in rare instances solid deep colored foreground objects. This is more noticeable via the uncompressed DVI connection... Component looks good but it's a softer image, has less sharpness IMO than DVI so I stick with DVI. Voom's SD is great right now, if you want exampls of pixelation watch:

Bad Boys II or League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, there are several fights that take place in dark night time areas and the pixelation is exceptionally bad in those cuts. PBS is the worst HD around, I was watching "Secrets of the Dead: Fire in Rome" and their bandwidth is so low, any scene with fire in it was so heavily pixelated it was unwatchable!

I love Voom don't get me wrong, I just want them to bring alll the channels to the quality of the Tyson fight, or CBS OTA eventually.

Check out Shiriikami Mountains on Equator for a good example of mosquito noise.
I have a 57" Hitachi "F500a" and i use monster cable components "$100 ones", I also have a DVI-D cable but it does not look as good as the component cable by far. Weird because thought DVI is supposed to be better.. And run Monster cables for my audio, 1 set into TV and 1 set into surround receiver. Your Component cables are the only thing bringing a picture to your TV right? There is no Coax cable running from your box to TV right? I only have 1 coax coming from wall to box... Probably normal setup but just wanna make sure you are hooked up like me...And i don't really know alot about philps tv's but i know my Hitachi gets kick ass reviews from other owners.. Possibly your tv could be the issue...
GooberVoomer said:
Do you have a good signal and a good TV? Anybody that does and doesn't realize how great VOOM is needs to have their head examined. Just the Michael McDonald concert that's on RAVE right now is worth the price of admission. I've seen it five times now, and I'm blown away every time I see it. Maybe you need to consider an equipment upgrade...
Thanks again VOOM. Please don't go away.
This cracks me up! Who needs the equipment upgrade? :rolleyes:
Look there's nothing wrong with my TV.. did you read my post?

Compare CBS-OTA to Equator/Discovery. CBS has a clear advantage. I get some nice black areas in my RPTV, I don't buy Monster cables I think the advantage they give is very minimal, however I do use heavily shielded gold plated component cables (not supplied by Voom)... if my DVD can look flawless and noise-free then it's not the cables.

I've already done all the service adjustments I know how to, multipoint convergence, geometry, and color balancing corrections.

I have BOTH DVI and component connected.

Component - Softer images you notice less noise.

DVI - Sharper image - brighter color - unfortunately it highlights imperfections in transmission more.

Coax from STB to the TV, I'm a novice but COME ON!!! I'm not stupid.

DarrellP and Vurbano are you guys going to chime in on the PQ? Are you guys getting pristine quality and my TV is just screwed up?
Dvlos said:
Actually maybe you should post up your equipment as well?

I am watching VaVaVoom via DVI (for sharpness) although I also use the component connection, on a Phillips 65" RPTV. I've had all my coax cables reset, I occassionally get a frame drop but overall this last firmware is pretty solid. So that I am understood here on this forum "mosquito noise" refers to the twinkling, shimmering, or sparkling effect that takes place on background objects, sometimes in rare instances solid deep colored foreground objects. This is more noticeable via the uncompressed DVI connection... Component looks good but it's a softer image, has less sharpness IMO than DVI so I stick with DVI. Voom's SD is great right now, if you want exampls of pixelation watch:

Bad Boys II or League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, there are several fights that take place in dark night time areas and the pixelation is exceptionally bad in those cuts. PBS is the worst HD around, I was watching "Secrets of the Dead: Fire in Rome" and their bandwidth is so low, any scene with fire in it was so heavily pixelated it was unwatchable!

I love Voom don't get me wrong, I just want them to bring alll the channels to the quality of the Tyson fight, or CBS OTA eventually.

Check out Shiriikami Mountains on Equator for a good example of mosquito noise.

Excellent post, Dvlos, you took the words right out of my mouth. ;)

You know where I stand on PQ and my stance is unaltered in regards to Voom. Rave is the only channel that is close to pristine.
I feel the same way. I have used both Monster DVI and component cables with VOOM. I have decided on the component cables as the DVI does show too many imperfections of the VOOM PQ. Also on my Samsung DLP with DVI, the SD channels on Satellite only are cut off on all 4 sides. HD is ok. yes, I tried all other picture modes. LOCAL SD fills the screen but not Satellite. Only on component do I have no problem. I hope VOOM fixes that as well.

So you can't stop the critisism of the PQ until VOOM delivers on their promise of the best quality. So closing this thread will not end it, but it will continue. you got to deliver what you promise. Don't get me wrong VOOM PQ is good...even very good but not the best. Not what I bought a HD for and see on OTA HD.
Ha! I can't stand soft image I like to see good detail, I actually rearranged the room to put the TV farther away and mainly watch it with the DVI cable. I posted this like last month but I toned down Picture/Brightness/Color in my Phillips TV's service menu, for the DVI port. They were consistently 20-25 points higher than what was set for component. After playing with it for like 2 hours I was able to get comprable PQ from my DVI port and retain the sharpness. I still see the mosquito noise though. But the color balance, at least to my eyes was almost as good as the visual adjustments you can do via DVD (which for me only adjusts the Component Video ports on my TV for 480p.)
gutter said:
I feel the same way. I have used both Monster DVI and component cables with VOOM. I have decided on the component cables as the DVI does show too many imperfections of the VOOM PQ. Also on my Samsung DLP with DVI, the SD channels on Satellite only are cut off on all 4 sides. HD is ok. yes, I tried all other picture modes. LOCAL SD fills the screen but not Satellite. Only on component do I have no problem. I hope VOOM fixes that as well.

So you can't stop the critisism of the PQ until VOOM delivers on their promise of the best quality. So closing this thread will not end it, but it will continue. you got to deliver what you promise. Don't get me wrong VOOM PQ is good...even very good but not the best. Not what I bought a HD for and see on OTA HD.
Voom PQ is steadily improving relative to Dish, which is doing 3 HD channels per transponder I think and my OTA signal, CBS is the only one giving me 18-19 mbps. The rest are prostituting their bandwidth with SD multicasting. I think my NBC HD is 14 mbps and ABC is at 14mbps. Voom may find themselves looking even better if this keeps up.
Vurbano, what's your take on ABC & 720p @ 14 mbps? Our ABC just added a crappy news channel but the HD still looks as good as ever, I rarely see any macro blocking or pixelating on ABC.

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