Here's what's got me worried. This comes from the offer details page at (
VOOM Package
$49.90 per month
Includes 21 VOOM Exclusive HD channels, more than 50 of cable's most watched channels, plus 18 music channels. For a limited time at no extra charge, also includes HD MarqueePack (featuring Bravo HD+, TNT in HD and Discovery HD Theater) and the VOOM SportsPack (featuring ESPN HD, Fox Sports World, The Tennis Channel, The Golf Channel and Fuel).
That little gotcha - "...for a limited time at no extra charge..." This sounds like the plan is to price Voom just like Comcast, which is why I left them. I was forced to buy all these packages to get to what I really want. I'm really enjoying Voom, but if they start making me feel like they're ripping me off, I'll probably leave.
I, too, want the PVR, but now feel nervous that if I sign up for it, Voom will change all their pricing on me, and make me pay for more than I want. For example, who would pay an extra $10/mo for the Voom exclusive channels if you had the choice? But my bet is that we won't have the choice to drop the Voom exclusives, but will have to pay for the stations that inspired me to subscribe in the first place - TNT-HD, DiscoveryHD, etc...